Blogiversary: Five!

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Stuart O. Smith, Jr. Blogiversary: Five!

2012 to 2017!!! Our fifth Blogiversary of celebrating the fun of exploring our community and writing about our experiences!

Hello, World! My First Blog Post! Thank you to my great co-writer and wife, Julie Smith! I always enjoy sharing the journey with her.

Since my first Hello, World! My First Blog Post! on March 8, 2012, I have expanded what I have written about as Julie and I are in our fifth year of blogging. Please take a moment and scroll through and view the topics of the 36 blog posts from 2016, and the seven posted so far in 2017, that you will see at the bottom of this post! As I wrote last year: "It brings me joy to look at the blog posts we did this past year -- great memories of fun times, plus the anticipation of a new year full of possibilities!"

Stuart's List

For those of you who our familiar with my past "Blogiversary" posts, you will notice that this year, I did not include my annual "Stuart's List" of tech, social media, and some entrepreneur meetings -- last year the list had grown to include 164 groups!

I originally developed the list as the leader of the Web Development Special Interest Group (SIG). This year, I decided to discontinue the list, since I no longer run the SIG. However, I still post meeting announcements daily (over the lunch hour) on Twitter as @sos_jr for many groups. Please take a look, and share with others by retweeting. I also want to encourage you to read last year's Blogiversary: Four! post to make use of "Stuart's List."

Two Blog Posts of Special Significance

All of our blog posts are special to Julie and me, since they represent different sides of our life in this past year, but we want to bring your attention to these two:

On November 19, 2016, at 10:30 a.m., Stuart formally announced that he will not be running the Web Development Special Interest Group (SIG) any longer.
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A PechaKucha Talk by Stuart O. Smith, Jr., about PechaKucha Night Cleveland
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Blog Posts

Scroll across the following images/links, and please click to read some of our 36 blog posts from 2016, and the seven blog posts that we have posted so far in 2017.

  Scroll Across -> -> -> -> -> ->


Julie and I are looking forward to sharing our adventures with you through new blog posts in the year ahead. Each month in this coming year brings new possibilities!