Akron Art Museum "Open World: Video Games & Contemporary Art," Summit Artspace "Poe's Garden," and CVNP New Visitor Center

Blog Date
Stuart O. Smith, Jr.

Akron Art Museum "Explore: Open World: Video Games & Contemporary Art"

I am a very lucky man! In October and November 2019, I was very fortunate to attend many great events. I am publishing seven blog posts today because I really want to thank the organizers of these events. With so much happening, I have not been able to publish my blog posts on a timely basis, but still wanted to recognize and recommend these organizations.

I have already published the following three blog posts about October events: 

Here is a list of the seven new blog posts which will include tweets that tell the story of ten great events and the organizations sponsoring them. In the interest of time, these are not my usual full blog posts, so I encourage you to click on the links and watch the videos in the tweets to learn more:

  1. Cleveland Museum of Art "Michelangelo: Mind of the Master" - MIX: Anatomy & Pop-up Drawing Lounge
    MIX: Anatomy - Cleveland Museum of Art on October 4, 2019.
    Pop-up Drawing Lounge on October 23, 2019.
    I have written several blog posts about Cleveland Museum of Art MIX events -- they are always a great time!

  2. NASA Hackathon! Space Apps Challenge Cleveland 2019!
    October 18 - 20, 2019.
    I want to thank the Space Apps Cleveland leaders (Tom Kunsman, Herb Schilling, and Sarah Dutkiewicz) for inviting me to attend. I highly recommend you learn more about the winners on these special Space Apps Cleveland web pages:
    Global Nominee: Dust Bunnies
    Global Nominee: Hackranauts
    Local People's Choice Winner: Escapees from 318 V2

  3. Akron Art Museum "Open World: Video Games & Contemporary Art," Summit Artspace "Poe's Garden," and CVNP New Visitor Center
    October 26, 2019.
    I want to make a point to thank Curator of Exhibitions, Theresa Bembnister, for the excellent tour. Her depth of knowledge added great value to my son's and my visit to the exhibition at the Akron Art Museum.
    See this blog post below.

  4. Cleveland Rising Summit
    October 29-31, 2019.
    I look forward to the years ahead when we will all see how the grand Cleveland Rising vision is carried out!

  5. Cleveland Maker Faire 2019 and Cleveland Public Theatre "Día de Muertos"
    November 2, 2019.
    I enjoy writing about the Cleveland Maker Faire every year. Thank you, also, to @CPTCLE for the personal invitation via Twitter to Día de Muertos.

  6. The 30th Anniversary of the NASA Glenn Graphics & Visualization Lab (GVIS)
    November 7, 2019.
    A special thank-you to NASA Glenn Research Center Computer Scientist Herb Schilling for this invitation-only event. Thank you, Tom Kunsman, for arranging an additional private tour of the NASA Glenn Library.

  7. Akron MakerSpace Grand Opening
    November 16, 2019.
    Thank you to Akron MakerSpace Founder and President Devin Wolfe for inviting me to celebrate the opening of Akron MakerSpace's impressive new space!

I am truly grateful to all those who made these great events possible.


Open World: Akron Art Museum Explores the Influence of Video Games on Contemporary Art - October 26, 2019 


I Have My Tickets!




@AkronArtMuseum Collection


Open World Arcade! - December 7, 2019



Poe's Garden at @AkronAreaArts


More @AkronAreaArts Galleries

New Boston Mill Visitor Center in @CVNPNPS


Recommend Exhibition


"You made our week!"


Thank You!




Be Sure to Watch This Video