The Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" is the over-250-mile part of the Buckeye Trail in Northeast Ohio that goes through the following counties: Lake, Cuyahoga, Summit, Stark, Portage, and Geauga. On Tuesday, November 10, 2020, at the northern terminus of the Buckeye Trail at Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve, I completed the loop which I had begun on Sunday, November 4, 2018.
I want to start this blog post by thanking the Buckeye Trail Association (@HikeTheBT), and in particular, the volunteers of their Crooked River Chapter (@CrookedRiverBTA), for making the "Little Loop" section of the trail a reality for me to enjoy!
I highly recommend signing up to get Crooked River Chapter Meetup notices. I learned about many of the events I attended in Northeast Ohio about the Buckeye Trail via their MeetUp Group. Also see the Crooked River Chapter YouTube Channel and the BuckeyeTrailTV YouTube Channel for informative videos.
I had a rough start traveling this path around northeast Ohio. I badly sprained my ankle that first Sunday in November 2018, and was told by my doctor that a few months' rest would increase my chances of preventing future ankle problems while hiking. I was glad when the ankle was healed, and I was able to return to hike the next section exactly three months later on Monday, February 4, 2019.
I originally started purposely hiking sections around the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" (sometimes with a weighted pack) to prepare for extended backpacking trips. In 2018/2019, I was preparing for my 2019 two-month backpacking adventure on the Pacific Crest Trail, and for hiking another section of the Appalachian Trail. In December 2019/January 2020, getting ready for backpacking trips on the Continental Divide Trail and Appalachian Trail in 2020. My plan was to slowly complete, by hiking and biking, all the sections of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" over several years.
With the onset of the March 2020 COVID-19 crisis, the Continental Divide Trail Coalition and Appalachian Trail Conservancy requested that all out-of-state, long-distance backpackers cancel their trips, my plans radically changed. I decided now to continue where I left off, and to hike/bike the sections of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" to completion at the north terminus on Lake Erie in 2020.
I used my bike on a lot of the "Little Loop," so I want to send a shout-out to Ohio City Bicycle Co-op (@OhioCityCycles) for helping me fix my bike so that it was safe. I had been riding for a long time without good brakes and tires -- always fun.
A BIG shout-out to @OhioCityCycles for my #bike repairs:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 20, 2020
Thank you for the safe bike for all the @CleveMetroparks' #TrailChallenge trails & rides along the route of @HikeTheBT's #BuckeyeTrail in 2020!
Since I use my #bike more at @OpenStreetsCLE, @CleveMetroparks’ #Trail Challenge & @CleveFoundation Centennial Trail, @RailsToTrails & @NEOCycleCLE, I needed new bike tires
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 18, 2018
Thx @OhioCityCycles Exec Dir, Jim Sheehan, for helping me fix my bike tonight!
Thanks also to @OhioCityCycles #Volunteer Coordinator & Webmaster, Erik Anderson, for the tour & explaining all the ways volunteers help further OCBC’s mission.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 18, 2018
I met Eric at @CleGiveCamp 2018.
Learn more on their website built by #CleGC tech #volunteers
This Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" blog post actually consists of five separate blog posts. First, this post includes information and resources (see below) about the Buckeye Trail that were shared at events I attended about the trail:
1 of 5: Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" - Exploring Over 250 Miles of Northeast Ohio (information/resources below)
- November 8 & 12, 2018 - Attended Buckeye Trail Thru-Hike Presentations
- November 15, 2018 - Met with Everett Brandt Who Set Buckeye Trail Thru-Hike Speed Record in 2018
- Buckeye Trail Maps, Apps & Guides
- February 10, 2019 - Little Loop Presentation, Hike, and Trail Town Information
- Saturday, July 18, 2020 - Buckeye Trail Little Loop Challenge 2020
- Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - Last Day Completing the Loop, Listen to Podcasts
- Buckeye Trail Circuit Hikes & Patches
The other four posts are about each of the four sections of the "Little Loop." Here are links to the blog posts, along with a list of the counties and some of the parks that are part of each section:
2 of 5: Exploring the Bedford Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
- Lake County, Cuyahoga County
- Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve, Headlands Beach State Park, Cleveland Museum of Natural History's Mentor Marsh, Lake Metroparks, Cleveland Metroparks, and more! -
3 of 5: Exploring the Akron Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
- Cuyahoga County, Summit County, Stark County
- Cleveland Metroparks, Ohio & Erie Canalway, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Summit Metro Parks, and more! -
4 of 5: Exploring the Mogadore Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
- NOTE: I included the small part of the Massillon Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" in this blog post.
- Stark County, Summit County, Portage County
- Stark Parks, Summit Metro Parks, Portage Park District, Mogadore Reservoir, West Branch State Park, Mantua Bog State Nature Preserve, and more! -
5 of 5: Exploring the Burton Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
- Geauga County, Lake County
- Geauga Park District, Lake Metroparks, Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve, and more!
I hope you enjoy these blog posts, and that they encourage you to explore some or all of the Buckeye Trail! What follows are resources for hiking/biking this long-distance trail that encircles the state of Ohio.
November 8 & 12, 2018 - Attended Buckeye Trail Thru-Hike Presentations
In November 2018, I attended talks at the Lakewood Public Library and Chardon Public Library about thru-hiking the Buckeye Trail. The presenters shared information from their hikes, which they wrote about in the following books:
You can find more books about the trail on the Buckeye Trail Association online store at:
Here are tweets with photos from Thursday, November 8, 2018, Lakewood Public Library - “Thru-Hiking the Buckeye Trail: Things That Will Change the Way You See Ohio” with Andy “Captain Blue” Niekamp:
Learn about how to #hike the @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail at the @LakewoodLibrary on Thursday, November 8th.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 8, 2018
I am attending “#ThruHiking the Buckeye #Trail: Things That Will Change the Way You See #Ohio” at the @LakewoodLibrary.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 9, 2018
Great to learn more about @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail.
Fun to see photos of @LakeMetroparks, @GeaugaParks, @CleveMetroparks, @metro_parks, @CVNPNPS and know these are parts of the @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail near our #Cleveland & #Akron area.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 9, 2018
I recognized some photos in tonight’s talk at @LakewoodLibrary.
Excellent #ThruHiking talk!
Additional reply tweets after the presentation:
That is really great @karr_pe! Thanks for sharing. What part(s) of @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail did you hike in 2018?
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 9, 2018
I normally #hike in @CVNPNPS & @CleveMetroparks or @LakeMetroparks.
@karr_pe, Marietta sounds interesting. #Winter #hiking — GREAT! I love a winter #hike on the @HikeTheBT!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 9, 2018
.@karr_pe, last Sunday I tried something new.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 9, 2018
I #hiked & #biked (thx @OhioCityCycles for fixing my bike on @HikeTheBT sections including @ohiodnr, @goCMNH’s @CmnhWildlife Mentor Marsh, @CityOfMentor Lagoon, and @LakeMetroparks.
After GREAT talk by Andy Niekamp I met Everett Brandt who speed hiked @HikeTheBT's #BuckeyeTrail.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 9, 2018
See his #Instagram pics/videos staff invited Everett to speak at the #library.
I am contacting him to meet with me
Thank U again @GeaugaLibrary for hosting the #BuckeyeTrail #ThruHike talk with Chuck & Beth Hewett at your Chardon Branch. I really enjoyed their talk!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 16, 2018
I thought you might be interested in learning about Everett Brandt, who I met at @LakewoodLibrary. See:
Here are tweets with photos from Monday, November 12, 2018, Chardon Public Library - "Discover the BTA - A Buckeye Trail thru hike Presentation"with Chuck and Beth Hewett:
Last Thursday @LakewoodLibrary hosted a #ThruHiking the Buckeye #Trail talk:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 12, 2018
Now tonight, Monday, 11/12, I learned from @HikeTheBT that @GeaugaLibrary has a #BuckeyeTrail #ThruHike #Ohio presentation.
I am attending “Discover the BTA - A #BuckeyeTrail #ThruHike Presentation” with authors Chuck and Beth Hewett at @GeaugaLibrary’s Chardon Branch.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 13, 2018
See @HikeTheBT announcement: and Buckeye #trail information:
#BuckeyeTrail Association @HikeTheBT!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 13, 2018
.@HikeTheBT, the #BuckeyeTrail Thru-Hiker speaking tonight at @GeaugaLibrary, mentioned being very impressed with the beauty of @CVNPNPS, @CleveMetroparks & @metro_parks parks that are so near urban areas of #Akron & #Cleveland.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 13, 2018
Thank U again @GeaugaLibrary for hosting the #BuckeyeTrail #ThruHike talk with Chuck & Beth Hewett at your Chardon Branch. I really enjoyed their talk!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 16, 2018
I thought you might be interested in learning about Everett Brandt, who I met at @LakewoodLibrary. See:
November 15, 2018 - Met with Everett Brandt Who Set Buckeye Trail Thru-Hike Speed Record in 2018
Everett Brandt
Everett is a musician and outdoor lover who took 8 weeks during the summer of 2018 to hike all day every day on Ohio’s 1444 mile Buckeye Trail.
At the end of the thru-hike talk at Lakewood Public Library, I met Everett Brandt, who had just set a thru-hike speed record of the Buckeye Trail in 2018. He was so kind to invite me to his home to learn about his hike/run of the trail, and about the gear he used. He has a wealth of knowledge about the trail!!
We "talked trail" for several hours about the Buckeye Trail and other trails. I wrote in my notes that he hiked 31 miles a day on average (not including zero days), finishing the entire Buckeye Trail in 55 days, 6 hours, and 12 minutes, with 7 zero days. Be sure to take a look at his online map (you may need to "clear filters" on the map to see his entire trek) at:
After GREAT talk by Andy Niekamp I met Everett Brandt who speed hiked @HikeTheBT's #BuckeyeTrail.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 9, 2018
See his #Instagram pics/videos staff invited Everett to speak at the #library.
I am contacting him to meet with me
At @LakewoodLibrary, I met Everett Brandt who in 2018 set the speed record for #hiking the @HikeTheBT's #BuckeyeTrail.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 16, 2018
Today, Everett invited me to his home to see his photos & gear.
See @ideastream video
While preparing this blog post, I found his "FKT: Everett Brandt - Buckeye Trail (OH) - 2018-08-06" listing on the Fastest Known Time (@FastestKnown) website at:
Here are two Ideastream (@ideastream) videos where you can learn more about Everett Brandt's journey:
Video: 1,400 Miles on The Buckeye Trail
You might not of heard of the Buckeye Trail but you’ve probably been on it even without knowing.
Ideastream caught up with Everett Brandt halfway through his attempt to hike all 1400 miles.
Video: The Finish Line: The End of A 1400 Mile Journey On The Buckeye Trail
What is the longest you've ever walked. Everett Brandt set out on 6/12/18 from the Brecksville Reservation on a quest to hike all 1440 miles of the Buckeye Trail in one very long walk. After 8 weeks on the trail he sprinted across the finish line.
Buckeye Trail Maps, Apps & Guides
The Buckeye Trail Association offers both electronic and printed maps & guides.
When I met with Everett Brandt at his home on November 15, 2018, he showed me the Buckeye Trail Association paper maps, and the Garmin inReach Explorer (Satellite Communicator with Maps and Sensors) he used to track his hike. I subsequently used a Garmin inReach Mini when backpacking in 2019 on both the Pacific Crest Trail over-600-mile desert section and part of the Appalachian Trail.
I have downloaded Everett Brandt's hike tracking points from (see photo below), and used the points marking the Buckeye Trail with the FREE Garmin Earthmate® smartphone app (the navigation app is included with the purchase of an inReach® satellite communicator).
Everett Brandt also told me that the Buckeye Trail Association has been developing a trail guidebook. As I was writing this blog post, I learned that the first edition (2019) of the Buckeye Trail Data Book is now available! The book was written by Chuck and Beth Hewett, who are the speakers I heard at the Chardon Public Library on November 12, 2018.
On February 10, 2019, Julie (my wife and co-blogger) and I attended a talk by the Crooked River Chapter of the Buckeye Trail Association (@HikeTheBT - @CrookedRiverBTA) about the "Little Loop" -- more details in the next section. At the talk, we learned that in the coming year, both Buckeye Trail Avenza Maps and Buckeye Trail Guthook App would be created. The organizer of the talk even arranged for us to download for free the Avenza Map of the Mogadore Section of the Buckeye Trail (normally $6.99) for us to try out during the hike that he led after the talk.
I have been using the Guthook App (@GuthookGuides) for many years on the Appalachian Trail, and in 2019 on the Pacific Crest Trail. While sending an email to the creators of the Guthook App about a suggested update for their app based on my experience backpacking a section of the Appalachian Trail in 2019, I learned that they not only had the Buckeye Trail maps on their app, but that they were offering all of their electronic maps at a special discount price on Small Business Saturday.
On November 30, 2019, I received 30% off with the Small Business Saturday discount on both the Continental Divide Trail maps and Buckeye Trail maps for the Guthook app. In 2020, I expected to hike some of the Buckeye Trail to get ready for the Continental Divide Trail, but now with the coronavirus crisis canceling my trip to hike in New Mexico, I ended up hiking many of our great local parks and finishing the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop." I highly recommend getting the Buckeye Trail Guthook App if you enjoy hiking.
Thx, @GuthookGuides, for the email thanking me for sending you an update to the @PennsylvaniaGov section of @AT_Conservancy's AT.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 8, 2019
I hope it helps other backpackers!
I used your map app on both the AT & @PCTAssociation's PCT this past summer
When I sent @GuthookGuides a update for @PennsylvaniaGov section of @AT_Conservancy's #AppalachianTrail, they emailed me back that if I wanted more #WithGuthook #maps, they would be on sale for #SmallBusinessSaturday.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 30, 2019
FYI, I also own @PCTAssociation’s #PacificCrestTrail maps
Today for #SmallBusinessSaturday, I purchased @guthookguides #maps for the #ContinentalDivideTrail and #Ohio’s #BuckeyeTrail.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 30, 2019
Learn more about #WithGuthook on @HikeTheBT’s Maps & Guides web page and @CDNST1’s #Backpacking FAQ’s
@nctrail, I forgot to tag you in the above tweets about discount @guthookguides maps for @HikeTheBT & Ohio having longest trail in any one state
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 30, 2019
Hey #hiking Twitterverse, did you know that parts of the #Ohio’s #BuckeyeTrail are the #NorthCountryTrail
All the information you need on how to purchase the Buckeye Trail Association apps, maps, and guides can be found at:
Crooked River Chapter of the Buckeye Trail Association May 19, 2019, Video: Electronic Mapping 101
Here is a video of the 2019 Trailfest presentation on electronic Mapping. No Sound, but has all the basics. Send Questions to
February 10, 2019 - Little Loop Presentation, Hike, and Trail Town Information
Little Loop Presentation, Hot Chocolate, and (snowshoe?) Hike
Breakaway excursions will be our host for this presentation. After the presentation we will do a short 1-2 hour hike. Bring your snowshoes if there is snow. If you need to rent a pair contact Breakaway Excursions or click the following link:
Northeast Ohio has a special advantage of having a 250 mile “Little Loop” of the Buckeye Trail. This presentation will give a brief history and evolution of Ohio's scenic hiking trail and a pictorial presentation of the sections that make up the “Little Loop”. Come take a virtual tour around the "Little Loop" and learn about the Little Loop Challenge - a collective effort to hike the entire Little Loop in one day!
In addition to learning about new Buckeye Trail apps (mentioned in the previous section of this blog post), the February 10, 2019, "Little Loop" presentation provided a wealth of information about the Buckeye Trail's history, present route, and specific details about the "Little Loop" section. I really enjoyed Buckeye Trail Association Trustee Randall Roberts's (@RandallDRoberts) talk, and really appreciated learning the history of the trail. If you are part of a group interested in the outdoors and in Ohio history, I highly recommend inviting Randall Roberts to speak to your group about the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop."
My tweets include photos with "Little Loop" information and some of the slides from the talk:
Northeast #Ohio has advantage of having 250 mile #BuckeyeTrail "Little Loop"
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) January 15, 2019
2/10 @HikeTheBT @CrookedRiverBTA #snowshoe #hike at @BreakawayExcurs
* Little Loop virtual tour
* Collective effort to hike entire Little Loop in 1 day!
I am attending @CrookedRiverBTA’s “Little Loop Presentation, Hot Chocolate, and (#snowshoe?) #Hike” at @BreakawayExcurs
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
Going to learn more about @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail "Little Loop" and loop challenge
Amazing history of @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail, @american_trail and @nctrail at GREAT talk.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
I’m at the @CrookedRiverBTA’s “Little Loop Presentation, Hot Chocolate, and (#snowshoe?) #Hike” at @BreakawayExcurs.
Check out special events on the #BuckeyeTrail happening in 2019.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
See the @HikeTheBT website for information.
It was great to learn about how much had been accomplished by the volunteer leaders of the Buckeye Trail Association over the years!! I recently learned that they have only had a professional staff person for ten years -- learn more by listening to the Introducing Ohio's Buckeye Trail podcast by @TheHikePodcast, which I also mention below in this blog post.
The Buckeye Trail was dedicated in 1959, so 2019 was a special year celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the trail. Learn more about the Buckeye Trail Association's history and its most famous founding member, Emma "Grandma Gatewood" Gatewood, by reading the web page: The Buckeye Trail Story . . .
Did you know that the longest trail within any one state is in #Ohio?
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 30, 2019
The #BuckeyeTrail is over 1,400 miles long!!
Congratulations to the Buckeye Trail Association @HikeTheBT for celebrating the #trail's 60th year in 2019!!!
Here are related tweets with links for information about Emma "Grandma Gatewood" Gatewood:
@AT_Conservancy, @lpotteiger, @HikeTheBT, @AppTrailMuseum, see @KBSagert announcement that “Trail Magic: The #GrandmaGatewood Story” is now on @HistoryHit.@GrandmaGatewood founding member of #Ohio’s #BuckeyeTrail Association & 1st solo woman #backpacker of #AppalachianTrail.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 28, 2020
@HikeTheBT, yes she is a important #Ohio woman for #BuckeyeTrail & @AT_Conservancy #AppalachianTrail history. Last year at Gathering a historical actress told #GrandmaGatewood’s story
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 27, 2020
I often visit @AppTrailMuseum & see her info:
At @ALDHAeast Gathering:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 13, 2019
Actress Anne Van Curen transforms into #GrandmaGatewood to describe what it was like to be the 1st woman to solo #hike #AppalachianTrail in 1955
cc: @lpotteiger @HikeTheBT @AT_Conservancy @AppTrailMuseum
FYI, @HikeTheBT, @AT_Conservancy and @AppTrailMuseum, your followers will be interested in the program at the @ALDHAeast Gathering 2019 about #GrandmaGatewood.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 10, 2019
cc: @lpotteiger
10th Annual #ChagrinDocFest Oct 2-6 in #ChagrinFalls, #Ohio showing: Trail Magic #GrandmaGatewood Story!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) September 3, 2019
Follow @ChagrinDocFest & @GrandmaGatewood
cc: @HikeTheBT @AT_Conservancy @AppTrailMuseum @ALDHAeast @OhioHistory @lpotteiger @NSNStorytellers @OhioHumanities
"#GrandmaGatewood is often cited at the first ultralight #backpacker because she thru-hiked hiked the #AppalachianTrail using a shower curtain as a shelter with only 12 pounds of gear."
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) April 6, 2019
I'm reading @philipwerner interesting article about @gangrey's book.
I know it is a great story since I have listen to the #audiobook "#GrandmaGatewood's Walk" by @gangrey a few years ago while driving from @ALDHAeast.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) March 21, 2019
I downloaded the audiobook to my @OverDriveLibs app from the @CuyahogaLib here:
@AT_Conservancy @HikeTheBT @KBSagert, great to see @CleveMetroparks is featuring #GrandmaGatewood Story to kickoff their #Adventure Univ at @BaldwinWallace
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) March 21, 2019
Great event for those with "Springer Fever!"
@AT_Conservancy and @HikeTheBT, see this @OhioHistory tweet about #Ohio’s #AppalachianTrail #ThruHiker #Backpacker #GrandmaGatewood.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 13, 2019
At #EarthFestCLE2017, gr8 to talk to people who hiked all #BuckeyeTrail @hikethebt.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) April 22, 2017
We talked about #GrandmaGatewood & @AT_Conservancy's AT
.@lpotteiger @ron_tipton @AT_Conservancy Your on TV here in Cleveland on @WVIZ.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 30, 2016
Trail Magic #GrandmaGatewood Story
Thx @CuyahogaLib!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 10, 2016
I enjoy #audiobook #GrandmaGatewood's #AppalachianTrail Walk by @gangrey as drive from @ALDHAeast
.@AppTrailMuseum I mention how #GrandmaGatewood is in your AT hall of fame in post about @HikeTheBT at @EarthDay_CLE
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) May 16, 2016
#BuckeyeTrail @hikethebt Pres said movie of #AppalachianTrail thru-hiker #GrandmaGatewood shown at #BuckeyeTrailfest
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) April 17, 2016
After the February 10, 2019, "Little Loop" presentation, everyone attending went on a short hike on the Buckeye Trail -- see photos in the tweets that follow:
On #BuckeyeTrail #hike with @CrookedRiverBTA.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
See map how @HikeTheBT #BuckeyeTrail is part of @american_trail and @nctrail in southern #Ohio.
#Hiking on @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail by the @ohiodnr Mantua Bog State #Nature Preserve with @CrookedRiverBTA.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
See @NatlParkService sign.
The @CrookedRiverBTA members think this is a hawk nest in the tree. #Hiking near the @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail in the @ohiodnr Mantua Bog State #Nature Preserve with @CrookedRiverBTA winter #hike.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
Also, see my mushroom photo.
Huge #eagle nest!!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
We thought it was an empty nest, but one of the hikers just now saw the eagle fly by near here. #Hiking near the @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail in the @ohiodnr Mantua Bog State #Nature Preserve with @CrookedRiverBTA winter #hike.
Note: In the map in the first tweet above, you can see that the part of the Buckeye Trail is also part of the American Discovery Trail (@American_Trail) and the North Country Trail from which you can connect to even more long-distance trails in the United States! See the websites and to learn more about these long-distance trails! Here is a map from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website (@OhioDNR) that shows how the trails overlap to which I added insert maps that show the location of the multi-state trails:
Thanks, @OhioDNR, for this map that shows how part of the #BuckeyeTrail is also part of @American_Trail's #AmericanDiscoveryTrail & the #NorthCountryTrail
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 27, 2020
I often see the map when hiking on @HikeTheBT's Buckeye Trail. Glad to find it on your website at:
Our Buckeye Trail Towns provide destinations around which you can plan your outdoor recreation. Head here for a weekend or more and set up your base camp at a local campground, or enjoy creature comforts at one of the local motels or bed and breakfasts. There are hometown restaurants, shops, and other in-town amenities to complement your outdoor forays on the Buckeye Trail and other hiking trails, along creeks and rivers in your kayak, or out on mountain bike trails on your bike.
Get to know the backroads and byways and genuine friendliness of small town Ohio as you base your next outdoor expedition from a Buckeye Trail Town Community!
After the hike, Julie and I visited the trail town of of Mantua, Ohio, for lunch. Check out the list of trail towns, and the resources in these towns, on the Buckeye Trail Association website at:
From my backpacking experience, I know the importance of the work of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy to build relationships with towns along the trail that provide resources to backpackers. It is great that the Buckeye Trail Association is also forming relationships with Ohio towns along the path of their trail.
After a fun hike on the Buckeye Trail with @CrookedRiverBTA at @BreakawayExcurs, we have lunch in the “Trail Town” of #Mantua, #Ohio.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
The @HikeTheBT’s Buckeye Trail goes through the town. We eat at Jake’s Eats which is right on the trail.
We saw an eagle while driving in the area near Mantua, Ohio after our hike with @HikeTheBT @CrookedRiverBTA members.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) February 10, 2019
Fun way to spend the day.
Saturday, July 18, 2020 - Buckeye Trail Little Loop Challenge 2020
2020 4th Annual The Little Loop Challenge
To Collectively Hike the 250 Mile Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" in a Day
At the February 10, 2019, "Little Loop" presentation, I learned about the Buckeye Trail Little Loop Challenge, and knew I would like to support this effort by the Northeast Ohio trail community to complete the loop in one day. Normally, I would have been out of town on a backpacking trip in mid-July, so with my Continental Divide Trail trip canceled, it was great to be able to participate in the Buckeye Trail Little Loop Challenge 2020!
Learn more on the Buckeye Trail Little Loop Challenge web page, and in my blog post about the day:
- Blog Date: July 28, 2020 - Buckeye Trail Little Loop Challenge 2020 - Lake Metroparks Penitentiary Glen
Today’s @HikeTheBT & @CrookedRiverBTA, #BuckeyeTrail 250-mile 'Little Loop' challenge includes: @LakeMetroparks @CleveMetroparks @Metro_Parks @OECanalway @CVNPNPS @forcvnp @StarkParks @OhioStateParks @OhioDNR @PortageParkDist & more!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) July 18, 2020
If you want to see all the photos in the tweets from the day
click here to go to the July 28, 2020, blog post
or you can click on the above tweet.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - Buckeye Trail Podcasts
Introducing Ohio's Buckeye Trail
OCTOBER 29, 2020 LORI PRIMA, ANDREW BASHAW SEASON 3 EPISODE 9Andrew Bashaw, Executive Director of the Buckeye Trail Association, gives an overview of the Buckeye Trail. He shares info to consider as you get out for a day hike, section hike or thru hike. We chat about trail towns, trail maintenance and creating a community around the trail that encompasses all generations.
Mei-Ling shares her experience hiking the Buckeye Trail (BT) as part of a Warrior Expeditions adventure. She also goes into some background of how she set out on a section hike of the Appalachian Trail leading up to doing the BT. We talk about trail towns, the amazing volunteers of the Buckeye Trail Association and what it's like to be a trail angel and trail maintainer.
I though it appropriate that I found and listened to two podcasts by @TheHikePodcast on the day I completed the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop." I highly recommend listening to the interview of the Buckeye Trail Association's Executive Director Andrew Bashaw to learn more about the trail. The podcast with Buckeye Trail Thu-Hiker Mei-Ling Liber also has interesting information about her section hike of the Appalachian Trail and about the Warrior Expeditions program.
Thanks to @HikeTheBT for sharing these podcasts on Twitter so that I could learn about @TheHikePodcast's twitter feed.
I am listening to a great #hiking #podcast by @TheHikePodcast featuring the @HikeTheBT Executive Dir, as I drive to @LakeMetroparks to complete my final section of #BuckeyeTrail “Little Loop” in Northeast #Ohio. Great way to start my day! #TheHikePodcast
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 10, 2020
Awesome! :)
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) November 10, 2020
Thank you @thehikepodcast for interviewing our Executive Director, Andrew Bashaw, about the Buckeye Trail!
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) October 29, 2020
The Hike podcast is a wonderful podcast to listen to the experiences & stories of hikers and the places they explore. #buckeyetrail #thehikepodcast
After fun day on the BT in @LakeMetroparks, I listen to @TheHikePodcast #backpacking #podcast about:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 11, 2020
* @WarriorHike
* @AT_Conservancy’s #AppalachianTrail
* Thru-hike @HikeTheBT #BuckeyeTrail did a shout-out to @CVNPNPS & @CleveMetroparks
So glad you enjoyed this episode!
— Hike (@thehikepodcast) November 11, 2020
@thehikepodcast has uploaded the second part of her Interview series of the BTA!
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) November 5, 2020
In this episode, she interviews Mei-Ling Liber. Mei-Ling Liber is one of the thru-hikers of the Buckeye Trail and an amazing volunteer. #hiking
It was great to get a thru hiker’s perspective on the trail. Listen wherever you get your podcasts!
— Hike (@thehikepodcast) November 6, 2020
Check out my latest episode out today!
— Hike (@thehikepodcast) October 29, 2020
If you haven’t taken a listen yet, add it to your playlist. Plus tomorrow I will be releasing the second part to my BT series - interviewing someone who has thru hiked the Buckeye Trail!
— Hike (@thehikepodcast) November 4, 2020
After listening to the podcast with Mei-Ling Liber, I looked at the Warrior Expeditions' recent tweets and found:
Warrior Expeditions interviews Air Force Veteran Mei-Ling Liber who hiked the Buckeye Trail in 2017. @hikethebt @OhioFindItHere
— Warrior Expeditions (@WarriorHike) September 10, 2020
Warrior Expeditions interviews Buckeye Trail Warrior Hike supporter Andy Niekamp, who has supported our veterans since 2016. @hikethebt @OhioFindItHere
— Warrior Expeditions (@WarriorHike) September 17, 2020
Buckeye Trail Circuit Hikes & Patches
When you complete the "Little Loop," or even the nearly 1,444 miles of the Buckeye Trail, be sure to let the Buckeye Trail Association know for their records and to receive your Buckeye Trail completion patch(es). The "Buckeye Trail Circuit Hike" web page has information about the patches, and about leader-led BTA Circuit Hikes.
Last week, I finished last section of #BuckeyeTrail Little Loop ending at @OhioDNR Headland Dunes Nature Preserve 250+ miles in NE #Ohio
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) November 17, 2020
Thank you to @HikeTheBT trustee @RandallDRoberts for incentive program
I want to thank Buckeye Trail Association Trustee Randall Roberts (@RandallDRoberts) for mailing me the new “I Completed The Little Loop” patch and a note of congratulations:
@RandallDRoberts, thank you so much for sending me the #BuckeyeTrail “I Completed The Little Loop” patch & congrats note!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) December 10, 2020
It is great that @HikeTheBT has this incentive program to encourage people to #FollowTheBlueBlazes for 250+ miles in NE #Ohio!
Related Blog Posts
Julie (my wife and co-blogger) and I always like to list related blog posts so you can learn more about the places we visit or events we attend. We have written many blog posts that relate to my experiences hiking and biking the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop." See the following blog subject links:
We have already written 13 blog posts that mention the Buckeye Trail.
There is obvious overlap in blog posts about Bike and Hike with that of Trails, but please take a look for ideas of places to explore.
We have written many posts about enjoying the Cleveland Metroparks and the Lake Metroparks. With more time to visit parks in 2020, Julie and I have explored more of Geauga Park District and the Summit Metro Parks.
In addition to my completing the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" in 2020, Julie and I have written about our experience completing the Cleveland Metroparks Trail Challenge. Please watch for our Beyond the Cleveland Metroparks Trail Challenge 2020 blog post later this year.
See information about ALDHA (Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association).
Most of the venues that Julie and I write about in our are currently closed, so we have written our "Social Distancing Series" blog posts to capture the activities we are able to do at this time. We have written about visiting a lot of parks, and are very grateful for the several northeast Ohio park systems that we have been exploring during this time. Once the coronavirus crisis is over, it will be interesting to read these to see the contrast between these times and "normal life."
I also want to recommend an excellent blog post by Cleveland Traveler (@CLEtraveler) about the section of the Buckeye Trail near Cleveland:
- The Ultimate Guide to Hiking the Buckeye Trail Near Cleveland (Plus Hiking Maps!)
Posted July 8, 2020, by Kat Weiss
Great blog post, @CLEtraveler, about the @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail. Great how you have detailed trail sections descriptions and maps.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) July 8, 2020
A great resource for hiking in local parks!!
cc: @CVNPNPS @forcvnp @CleveMetroparks @metro_parks @OECanalway @LakeMetroparks
NEW POST: The Ultimate Guide to Hiking the Buckeye Trail Near Cleveland (Plus Hiking Maps!) - #hiking #ohiofindithere
— CLEtraveler (@CLEtraveler) July 8, 2020
The #BuckeyeTrail winds its way through Chapin Forest Reservation, Penitentiary Glen Reservation, Girdled Road Reservation and along a portion of the Greenway Corridor.
— Lake Metroparks (@LakeMetroparks) July 9, 2020
More about hiking in Lake Metroparks:
We expect to continue to practice social distancing for the next several months, so please come back to read more and...
Stay well!
Please use these links to read more about my experiences completing the "Little Loop."
2 of 5: Exploring the Bedford Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
3 of 5: Exploring the Akron Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
4 of 5: Exploring the Mogadore Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
- NOTE: I included the small part of the Massillon Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" in this blog post. -
5 of 5: Exploring the Burton Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
I hope you enjoyed learning about the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop!'
"Adventurous Heart - Rachel Nagle" Videos
Submitted by Stuart Smith on Mon, 01/25/2021 - 19:42

Stuart O. Smith, Jr., MNO
Blogging at:
Former Cleveland GiveCamp Steering Committee:
Former Web SIG Cleveland Leader:
I recently wrote to Cleveland Metroparks Outdoor Recreation Manager Rachel Nagle to thank her for some information she sent me about the park's Trail Challenge (click here to see blog posts). When she wrote back, she mentioned that she is working on completing the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" and that she is "making fun YouTube videos of [her] route along the way."
Tonight, I found her Adventurous Heart - Rachel Nagle YouTube Channel at:
Here are direct links to her Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" videos:
June 3, 2019 - Buckeye Trail Section Hike-Little Loop: Part 1-Our House to Medina Line Road/303
June 16, 2019 - Buckeye Trail Section Hike-Little Loop: Part 2 - 303 to Bedford Reservation (Meeting a Thru-Hiker)
October 14, 2019 - Buckeye Trail Section Hike-Little Loop: Part 3 - Bedford to South Chagrin (LNT Principles)
December 3, 2019 - Buckeye Trail Section Hike-Little Loop: Part 4 - South Chagrin to Orchard Hills (Finding Calm)
December 28, 2019 - Buckeye Trail-Little Loop: Pt 5-Orchard Hills to Mentor Lagoons (Staying Warm & Campsite Selection)
January 26, 2020 - Buckeye Trail-Little Loop: Pt 6- Mentor Lagoons to Big Creek (Solo Adventure & Weather Advisories)
August 21, 2020 - Buckeye Trail-Little Loop: Pt 8- Burton to Mantua (Unexpected Adventures)
August 21, 2020 - Buckeye Trail-Little Loop: Pt 8- Burton to Mantua (Unexpected Adventures)
I hope you enjoy learning more about the "Little Loop" by watching the Adventurous Heart - Rachel Nagle videos.