
Cleveland Tech Meetings & Cultural Events Mon 6/18-Mon 6/25

For the last two years, I have added some special Cleveland summer cultural events to my weekly promotional tweets of Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings. Well I missed one event last week, but luckily it continues this week!

I also want to make special mention of this week's @ClevelandDotCom @Indians #CleTweetUp on Wednesday, June 20th. 

Meeting topics this week include: Vim, Games, #CLEtweetup, Security, Ruby, Appcelerator, and more!

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Cleveland Tech Meetings & Community Events Mon 6/11-Mon 6/18

As I mentioned last week, for the last two years, I have added some special Cleveland summer cultural events to my weekly promotional tweets of Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings. One of the main events I have promoted on Twitter starts this week!  

Although it's summer in Cleveland, with lots of other things to do, this week's technology, entrepreneur, and social media meetings are heating up for a very busy week. Most of these meetings are free or low cost, so there are no barriers for all of us to further our tech education and enhance our networking.

Meeting topics this week include: Hadoop, Python, Blogging, .NET, Linux, Java, Security, and more!

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Fireworks! Cleveland West Side Market Centennial

Fireworks at West Side Market for centennial celebration

We had a great time at the June 2nd centennial celebration kickoff for the West Side Market, and decided to share these photos of the fireworks with you. Suggestion: Click through the photos really fast and make your own sound effects :-)

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Cleveland Tech Meetings & Community Events Mon 6/4-Mon 6/11

In Summer, for the past two years, I have added some Cleveland special cultural events to my weekly promotional tweets on Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings. This week continues the tradition with some of Cleveland's best summer events.

Meeting topics this week include: Blogging, MVC, SQL Server, Adobe Creative Suite, Startups, RStudio, Game Developers, Cloud, Hadoop, and more!

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Cleveland Tech Meetings & Community Events Mon 5/28-Mon 6/4


This week, in addition to my weekly tweets on Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings I track, I have added one national event and continued my promotion of the Open Mic Shakespeare events. The national event is the American Hiking Society (@AmericanHiking) National Trails Day, which here in Cleveland takes place in our own Cuyahoga Valley National Park. 
Meeting topics this week include: MySQL, Blogging, Twitter, MVC, and more! As we go into the new month, I will update my calendar with more meetings, so watch for more on Twitter and on this blog. 
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Cleveland Tech Meetings & Community Events Mon 5/21-Mon 5/28

Due to the upcoming Memorial Day holiday, this will be a slow week for the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings I track. I shared twelve technology and community events this week. Meeting topics include: LinkedIn, SharePoint, PHP, Blogging, and more!

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Mtgs I track this wk: Mon 5/7-Mon 5/14

Meeting topics this week include:  GIMP, WordPress, Cloud, SEO, Security, Facebook, Python, Ruby, Bloggers, Bootstrap, and more!

In addtion to this week's social media and tech meetings, I also promote Open Mic Shakespeare and PechaKucha Night Cleveland.

I want to also remind everyone that Cleveland GiveCamp started taking applications from Cleveland charities last week! 

Please read this week's meetings I track blog to learn more about all these Cleveland happenings this week.

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