
Cleveland Tech/Social Media Meetings & Cultural Events Mon 9/10-Mon 9/17

Wow, what a week! 

If you thought things were slowing down in Cleveland since it was after Labor Day, well you must have not looked at all that is happening this week! In addition to my Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings that I announce each week, I want to bring to your attention many special events this week. Meeting topics this week include: Bloggers, Python, JavaScript, MySQL, Security, Startups, Game Development, and much, much more. 

This week also starts the fall season of my meetings. All my meetings are free and open to all, so please do me a favor and let others know.
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Cleveland Tech Meetings Mon 9/3-Mon 9/10

As we leave the Labor Day holiday weekend and enter the fall season, it is great to see how many events will be happening in September. This week starts slowly, but watch as this month proceeds for many more meetings and events.

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Cleveland Technology & Social Media Meetings Mon 8/6-Mon 8/13

Here are the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings in Cleveland that I announce each week. I have been using Twitter since October 2009 to announce these meetings. I think it is great that in Cleveland we have so many valuable resources to learn more about the technology and social media fields.

During summers in Cleveland, I also add to my weekly sos_jr tech tweets some special Cleveland cultural events. This week check out the free WOW concert.
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Cleveland GiveCamp 2012: Coding for Charity

Cleveland GiveCamp: Coding for Charity

One of the best Cleveland tech events each year is Cleveland GiveCamp. It is so great on so many levels that this blog post can’t truly express the feelings of the attendees. It is a weekend with a lot of very hard work, but this work yields benefits not only for the charities it serves, but also to those who attend. From the fact that it provides major support for Cleveland charities, to the fun environment and talented people, the third year of Cleveland GiveCamp, held on July 20-22, 2012, was an experience we recommend that all participate in and support. We (Michael N. Smith and Stuart O Smith, Jr.) have participated all three years, and are pleased to be able to share our insights about this great new Cleveland tradition.

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Cleveland Tech Meetings & Cultural Events Mon 7/30-Mon 8/6

During summers in Cleveland, I add to my weekly sos_jr tech tweets some special Cleveland cultural events (free concerts, free Shakespeare). As we leave July and enter August, it seems that these have outnumbered the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings that I announce each week. This week, I have also added some upcoming events of interest, and a discount code for a training opportunity.

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Cleveland Tech Meetings & Cultural Events Mon 7/23-Mon 7/30

Fun, free, outdoor cultural events! Yes, it is summer in Cleveland and I am adding to my weekly promotional sos_jr tweets special Cleveland cultural events (free concerts, free Shakespeare). This is in addition to the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings that I announce each week. Enjoy!

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Cleveland Tech Meetings & Cultural Events Mon 7/16-Mon 7/23

Here are my weekly promotional tweets of Cleveland tech, entrepreneur, and social media meetings, plus the special Cleveland cultural events (free concert, free Shakespeare) that I promote over the summer. Follow me on Twitter at sos_jr for more.

This is Cleveland Give Camp week! Follow on Twitter @CleGiveCamp and Facebook for more announcements about Cleveland nonprofits receiving technical support! The Twitter hash tag of #CleGC will yield some interesting tweets to follow over the weekend.

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