It feels appropriate that the first blog post I am writing since my Continental Divide Trail backpacking adventure in April 2022 is about a National Trails Day® event -- the Buckeye Trail Association's Biggest Day Hike, which took place on Saturday, June 4, 2022.
It is great that the Buckeye Trail Association (@HikeTheBT) invited everyone to participate in celebrating Ohio's long trail by pledging to travel a segment of this over 1,400-mile trail for National Trails Day® 2022. This is the third year for the Buckeye Trail Association's Biggest Day Hike, which had the goal of having hikers/biker/horseback riders collectively complete the ENTIRE Buckeye Trail in one day.
The Biggest Day Hike event was built on the experience of the Buckeye Trail Association's leadership in running the Little Loop Challenge, which had the goal of collectively completing the "Little Loop" section of the Buckeye Trail in one day. (The "Little Loop" is the over-250-mile part of the Buckeye Trail in Northeast Ohio that goes through the following counties: Lake, Cuyahoga, Summit, Stark, Portage, and Geauga.) Learn more about the "Little Loop" and my participation in the 4th Annual Little Loop Challenge in my blog posts:
Blog Date: July 28, 2020 - Buckeye Trail Little Loop Challenge 2020 - Lake Metroparks Penitentiary Glen
Blog Date: December 10, 2020 - 1 of 5: Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" - Exploring Over 250 Miles of Northeast Ohio
This Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" blog post actually consists of five separate blog posts. This first blog post includes information and resources about the Buckeye Trail that were shared at events I attended about the trail.
Before The Big Day
Did you know that Ohio's Buckeye Trail is the longest trail within one state in the USA? Be sure to read the web pages to learn more about Ohio's long trail.
The following are tweets about Buckeye Trail Association's Biggest Day Hike that were shared before the National Trails Day® event:
June 4th is #NationalTrailsDay
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 1, 2022
To celebrate, I signed up for @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike
Join the fun & help reach the goal to collectively #hike the ENTIRE 1,400+ mile #BuckeyeTrail in 1 day:
Always a good time on the BT
Let's see how much of the Buckeye Trail we can hike together in one day on June 4th! Just think, it will only take 300 people hiking 4.8 miles each to hike and complete the entire trail! For more info, contact us at
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 2, 2022
The Biggest Day Hike Registration is up! Let's see if we can collectively hike 100% of the Buckeye Trail in one day (June 4th)! Buckeye Trail’s Biggest Day Hike is a completely free event. So get out there and have some fun!
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 10, 2022
Biggest Day Hike gear is up in the Buckeye Trail Shop!
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 17, 2022
You can find BDH shirts and bag at
We have a motto we like to say: “boots on the ground builds the trail.” We also have another motto: “Hike. Join. Volunteer.” The Buckeye Trail is unique among great causes in that we can put our boots on the trail that we are making together. (1/4)
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 18, 2022
The Buckeye Trail traverses around Ohio for 1,450 miles through deep Appalachian forests, swaying meadows, lake sides, historical towns & more. This year is the 3rd year that we're coming together to collectively hike the entire Buckeye Trail as part of National Trails Day. (1/4)
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 23, 2022
One of the @HikeTheBT tweets about their Biggest Day Hike included the exciting news about the NEW designation for the Buckeye Trail as a State Recreational Trail by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (@OhioDNR). Learn more in this article:
- Buckeye Trail Receives Official Designation as a State Trail
February 14, 2022, by Stephanie O’Grady, ODNR Office of Communications
Please retweet the following tweets, so more people will learn about this new state designation!
Earlier in 2022, the Buckeye Trail was designated as a State Recreational Trail by ODNR. What better way to celebrate Ohio's state trail by hiking it during a national trail event? We hope that you will join us and Follow The Blue Blazes! (2/4)
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 23, 2022
I created the following tweet with a link to the @OhioDNR article while I was writing this blog post -- please retweet to share this exciting new with all your followers!
"Buckeye Trail Receives Official Designation as a State Trail"
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 6, 2022
Great Feb 14, 2022, article by @OhioDNR about how @HikeTheBT's #BuckeyeTrail is the 3rd #trail in #Ohio to receive this recognition.
Congrats @HikeTheBT!!!#FollowTheBlueBlazes
Thank you so much!
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) June 7, 2022
Lake Medina is part of the Buckeye Trail! Register for the June 4 "Biggest Day Hike" on the Buckeye Trail's website: @hikethebt
— Medina County Parks (@MedinaCoParks) May 23, 2022
The Biggest Day Hike is just a week away!
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 28, 2022
Register for free at:
BDH is part of National Trails Day. NTD is an annual nation-wide hiking event held by @AmericanHiking #buckeyetrail #buckeyetrailassociation #americanhiking #americanhikingsociety #hikeohio
Hiking is great for your health & strengthening bonds with family. It's a shared experience in nature where you explore and learn together. Last year, we enjoyed seeing photos of families who hiked the BT on Biggest Day Hike.
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 29, 2022
: Eileen Gerson, Jon Hauberg, Karen Walker
Because Biggest Day Hike is part of National Trails Day, if you tag @AmericanHiking and #NationalTrailsDay on your Biggest Day Hike photos, you have a chance at winning gear prize packages (each with a $800 value) from the American Hiking Society.
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) June 1, 2022
Want to share your experience during and/or after the hike with the Buckeye Trail Association?
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) June 1, 2022
Tag us on social media! #buckeyetrail #buckeyetrailassociation #biggestdayhike
You can also share your photos in the Buckeye Trail Association Facebook Group.
As of June 2nd, 11:00am, we have just above 50% of the Buckeye Trail covered for the Biggest Day Hike on June 4th. Three sections so far have 100% coverage.
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) June 2, 2022
Don't forget to register!
Registration is free.
Want to hike with a group on the Biggest Day Hike? Tomorrow, the BTA Circuit Hikers will be hiking Belle Valley Section point 17 to point 22 (10.6 miles). Meet no later than 8:30 a.m. at Point 22 at the intersection of Cooper Rd & SR 146 in Pleasant City, OH. N39.84940 W081.51920
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) June 3, 2022
American Hiking Society's 30th Annual National Trails Day®
Thank you, American Hiking Society and their sponsors/partners, for National Trails Day®!! It is a great way to bring awareness of all the great trails we have in our country.
Reshare from #NextGen Trail Leader Rebeca Rodriguez:
— American Hiking (@AmericanHiking) May 31, 2022
Did you sign up for a #NationalTrailsDay event yet? Join me and others nationwide as we give back to the trails we love.
National Trails Day® is made possible by:
— American Hiking (@AmericanHiking) May 31, 2022
Exclusive Apparel Sponsor AKHG by @DuluthTradingCo
Premier Beer Sponsor @AthleticBrewing @REI & @OspreyPacks
Thank you to our federal partners @NatlParkService, @forestservice, @BLMNational, @USDOTFHWA
#NationalTrailsDay is only TWO DAYS away!
— American Hiking (@AmericanHiking) June 3, 2022
And most importantly, leave the trail and outdoor community better than you found it!
Get involved this Saturday, June 4.
National Trails Day® is made possible by:
— American Hiking (@AmericanHiking) June 3, 2022
Exclusive Apparel Sponsor AKHG by @DuluthTradingCo
Premier Beer Sponsor @AthleticBrewing @REI & @OspreyPacks
Thank you to our federal partners @NatlParkService, @forestservice, @BLMNational, @USDOTFHWA
In celebration of #GreatOutdoorsMonth and #NationalTrailsDay on June 4, @SecDebHaaland announced the designation of 9 new National Recreation Trails in 7 states, adding nearly 600 miles to the @NatlParkService National Trails System.
— American Hiking (@AmericanHiking) June 4, 2022
IT'S FINALLY HERE! Happy #NationalTrailsDay everyone!
— American Hiking (@AmericanHiking) June 4, 2022
1. Take the Pledge to leave the trail and outdoor community better than you found it
2. Get out on the trail & give back
3. Connect with us on social tagging #NationalTrailsDay and @americanhiking
We're AMAZED by everyone's impact across the country today! From trail maintenance to clean-ups, group hikes, bike rides, and more. To folks who took the official #NationalTrailsDay Pledge and those who turned those words into action today: THANK YOU. Stay tuned for recaps!
— American Hiking (@AmericanHiking) June 5, 2022
P.s. - want to shop this year's shirt design? Head to our shop to commemorate an incredible day of trail service & community building!
— American Hiking (@AmericanHiking) June 5, 2022
US Trail Organizations Celebrate National Trails Day®
It was great to see so many US trail organizations participate in National Trails Day® 2022 (see all the #NationalTrailsDay tweets). In addition to being a member of the Buckeye Trail Association (@HikeTheBT), I am a member of several other trail organizations. Be sure to visit their websites, and follow them on Twitter to learn more about them as we celebrate their great work on National Trails Day®:
Appalachian Trail Conservancy (@AT_Conservancy) - I became a life member many years ago.
Appalachian Trail Museum (@AppTrailMuseum) - My Appalachian Trail backpacking story is included in an exhibit at the A.T. Museum.
Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1 - @CDTAlerts) - Be sure to see and share the @CDNST1 tweets that follow. They do a good job of sharing the CDT story of how they are improving the trail and building a trail community. The CDT is the youngest (established as a National Scenic Trail by Congress in 1978) of these long-distance trails, and asks backpackers to face the ". . . most challenging, and most remote of our National Scenic Trails."
It is very important to me that I mention that I am a member of the trail organizations listed above (except for the ATC which I joined earlier) as a direct result of my life membership of ALDHA (Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association) (@ALDHAeast).
I joined Rails-to-Trails Conservancy because they had a booth at an ALDHA Gathering weekend in 1989. I have attended workshops on how to hike the CDT, PCT, and many other trails all over the world at ALDHA Gatherings over the years. It was the Gatherings that I attended workshops presented by some of the very first Buckeye Trail thru-hikers (a couple who I think were the 3rd and 4th people to hike all 1,400 miles in one year), and in 2012, the first woman, solo, Buckeye Trail thru-hiker (I think she was the 9th thru-hiker). The Gathering is where I first learned about the opening of the A.T. Museum.
At ALDHA, I also learned about ALDHA-West (American Long-Distance Hiking Association-West) (@ALDHAWest), which I joined in 2021 when they started doing online events (ALDHA-West Gathering and Ruck) during the pandemic. I was very lucky to be the BIG winner of prizes at two of the ALDHA-West online events, and used the prizes while backpacking on the Continental Divide Trail in April of this year.
I highly recommend joining ALDHA and ALDHA-West so that you can learn from their members about long-distance trails at their annual Gatherings. Learn more about them in my blog post and tweets:
Blog Date: November 10, 2019 - From Waterfalls to Wilderness Workshops
See the Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association (ALDHA) section. -
Jan 27, 2021 - @ALDHAWest "Thru-Hiking Fundamentals" Online Ruck
Feb 9, 2021 - @ALDHAWest "Affinity Networking Spaces" FREE Online Ruck
Feb 25, 2021 - @ALDHAWest "Thru-Hiking Advanced Topics" Online Ruck
Mar 10, 2021 - THANK YOU, @SixMoonDesigns, for my new Fusion 65 backpack that I won at the @ALDHAWest online Ruck!!
Mar 10, 2021 - @ALDHAWest "Trail-Specific Sessions Online Ruck" -- "John Muir Trail" & "Continental Divide Trail"
Aug 7, 2021 - @ALDHAWest "2021 Hiker Olympics" for the Oct 7th Virtual Gathering
Oct 7, 2021 - @ALDHAWest Annual Hiker Gathering - COVID edition
- Mar 5, 2022 - I tried out my new Six Moon Designs backpack that I won at the ALDHA-West Ruck on the Buckeye Trail in the Cleveland Metroparks. I liked how it felt, so I used it on the Continental Divide Trail in April 2022.
This Saturday is #NationalTrailsDay celebrating national scenic and historic trails. I’ve rounded up some volunteer opportunities this summer on the top 3 Nat’l scenic trails @PCTAssociation @AT_Conservancy @CDNST1
— WestCoastHikerGirl (@coasthikergirl) June 2, 2022
Via @thetrek_
National Trails Day is Saturday! This week, we want to highlight all the amazing stewardship happening on the Divide and ways you can get involved! Today we’re highlighting how you can get involved in the stewardship of the CDT and our trails!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 1, 2022
We have a number of volunteer opportunities to join field projects, adopt sections of trail, and get outdoors with @CDNST1! Get in the field and learn all about the stewardship of the CDT!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 1, 2022
The 2022 National Trails Day® Pledge with @AmericanHiking commits to leaving the trail and the outdoor community better than you found them! Take the Pledge today and help grow our trail community of responsible recreationists.
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 1, 2022
Don't forget: #NationalTrailsDay is this Saturday! Whether you participate in an #AT volunteer opportunity (, find an @AmericanHiking activity ( or practice #LeaveNoTrace on the #AppalachianTrail, you can help #ProtectYourTrail!
— Appalachian Trail Conservancy (@AT_Conservancy) June 1, 2022
#NationalTrailsDay is June 5th! This week, we want to highlight all the amazing stewardship happening on the Divide and ways you can get involved, and today we’re talking about the many different ways to enjoy the CDT Experience!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 2, 2022
We know the CDT Experience is more than just a trail — it also includes the time spent in one of the 19 CDT Gateway Communities along the trail. Learn more about the communities of the Divide & explore our guides to make the most of your time in town!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 2, 2022
And we know from experience the CDT is not just a solo adventure, it’s about building community! Check out Events Calendar to find out when events are happening near you and stay connected year round with our trail community.
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 2, 2022
National Trails Day is Saturday! This week we want to highlight all the amazing stewardship happening on the Divide and ways you can get involved! Today we’re highlighting the holistic benefits of the trail.
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 2, 2022
We want to spread the word that the CDT is good for business! The results from our Small Business survey released this year shows overwhelming support from business owners for the CDT and public lands.
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 2, 2022
Read more:
We know the CDT can be a classroom for all ages and experience levels! You can learn more about the CDT on topics such as the history, geography, and wildlife that can be found on the Divide. Find lesson plans and other resources, such as the CDT Atlas!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 2, 2022
#NationalTrailsDay is TOMORROW, June 4!
— Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (@railstotrails) June 3, 2022
Learn more about this year’s celebration & check out ways to participate from @AmericanHiking .
And if you’re still searching for a trail to visit, check out, our free trail-guide website and app!
National Trails Day is TOMORROW! This week, we want to highlight all the amazing stewardship happening on the Divide and how you can get involved. Today we’re highlighting the efforts to complete the CDT!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 3, 2022
Last year, Rep. Neguse (CO) introduced H.R. 5118 — the CDT Completion Act, which would prioritize trail completion by the trail’s 50th anniversary in 2028. So far, Reps. Leger Fernandez (NM), Stansburry (NM), and Beyer (VA) have signed on as co-sponsors!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 3, 2022
You can also reach out to your Senator and let them know you want to see them support and lead on the CDT Completion Act when it comes to the Senate!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 3, 2022
Today is #NationalTrailsDay! As you explore the great outdoors, both today and in the future, be sure to practice #LeaveNoTrace principles and give back to the awe-inspiring places like the #AppalachianTrail. Get started today: #ProtectYourTrail
— Appalachian Trail Conservancy (@AT_Conservancy) June 4, 2022
Happy #NationalTrailsDay! We hope you get outside, enjoy some #TrailMoments, #RecreateResponsibly, and leave the trail and outdoor community better than you found it!
— Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (@railstotrails) June 4, 2022
Explore ways to celebrate from @AmericanHiking:
Today is #NationalTrailsDay! We want to see all the members of our communities enjoying the outdoors today - whether you're working on a trail project, hiking, birdwatching, or just taking the dog out for a walk — post a picture of you out on a trail and tag us to celebrate!
— Continental Divide Trail Coalition (@CDNST1) June 4, 2022
Happy #NationalTrailsDay! According to our records, #OTD in 1994, Indiana’s Monon Trail became the 600th rail-trail to open in the US! #TeamRTC recently visited this fabulous #RailTrailHOF trail with our board & @CITYOFCARMELIN staff .
— Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (@railstotrails) June 4, 2022
— Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (@railstotrails) June 6, 2022
Saturday, June 4, 2022: My Biggest Day Bike/Hike
Note that I am wearing my ALDHA shirt from the 2018 Gathering weekend where they put on a special program celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System Act.
I was impressed by how easy it was to sign up for the Buckeye Trail Association's Biggest Day Hike -- thank you to the leadership of the Buckeye Trail Association for being so organized in planning this event that covered over 1,400 miles in Ohio.
I decided to bike the sections of the Buckeye Trail from the Cleveland Metroparks Polo Field in the South Chagrin Reservation to the park's North Chagrin Reservation. Then, I hiked with my wife and co-blogger, Julie, the entire part of the Buckeye Trail that goes through the Cleveland Metroparks North Chagrin Reservation. This route included the Buckeye Trail's Bedford Sections 16, 17, 18, and 19.
(Note: This embedded Google Map might not show the exact route of the Buckeye Trail,
but Google Maps on your smartphone will show the trails that follow the path of the Buckeye Trail.)
Learn about the Bedford section of the Buckeye Trail:
Blog Date: December 10, 2020 - 2 of 5: Exploring the Bedford Section of the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop"
For #NationalTrailsDay, I am joining with others to collectively complete the 1,400+ mile #BuckeyeTrail in 1 day for @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022
I started my day at the @CleveMetroparks Polo Field.
- Most popular smartphone app for long distance hikers
- Pinpoints your location on the trail
- Contains maps, elevation profile and points of interest
- List of campsites, trailheads, parking lots, water sources, restrooms and section points
- You choose the base map type: topo, satellite, terrain or Google map.
- Automatically calculates mileage to all points on the trail
- Clockwise or counter-clockwise trail navigation
- Works completely offline with your device's internal GPS
During my ride/hike, I used the Buckeye Trail FarOut map app, which I highly recommend for use on long-distance trails. I regularly use the map app for the Buckeye Trail and Appalachian Trail. I also used on a 600-mile section of the Pacific Crest Trail in 2019, and on a section of the Continental Divide Trail this year.
Note that "FarOut" is the apps new name as of October 19, 2021 (see Outside Business Journal article). I found that most backpackers on the Appalachian Trail and Continental Divide Trail still actively use the old name of Guthook, so if someone on the trail mentions Guthook, you know that they are talking about "FarOut".
A second map app that I highly recommend is the Gaia GPS (@GaiaGPS) app, since it complements the strengths of "FarOut" (Guthook). It is a great, FREE app, but I purchased its annual membership at the old rate in 2021, since it has additional features that I need in the back country. (Unfortunately, when they became part of Outside Interactive, Inc (@OutsideCorp), they doubled the annual membership for new customers. Wait! -- as I am writing this blog, I see that they recently lowered the rate, but ONLY for the first year.) Gaia GPS is really great when you leave the main trails that "FarOut" (Guthook) features.
The next time you see me with my iPhone, ask me to show you how I use these two great map apps.
For #NationalTrailsDay, I am using the @FaroutGuides #BuckeyeTrail map app on @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike.🥾🚴♂️🐎
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022
The Buckeye Trail Association offers both electronic and printed maps & guides 👉
I enjoy the #hiking the BT often!
FarOut Guides (formerly known as Guthook Atlas Guides) has been a long time partner of the Buckeye Trail, providing an app version of Buckeye Trail maps for easy and quick access while hiking.
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) May 4, 2022
You can purchase the BT maps at: #faroutguides
Here are some tweets that show how the maps on the @GaiaGPS app look and how I use the app on the Buckeye Trail and other trails. (See more by searching "@GaiaGPS @sos_jr" on Twitter.)
Just purchased membership in @GaiaGPS maps for some #backpacking this year.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) March 12, 2021
Tried it out in @CleveMetroparks on @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail which leads to @CVNPNPS.
41.35182, -81.57646
Linda Falls
QUESTION “Is there a way to measure distances between two points along a defined trail?” —answer from @GaiaGPS
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) March 13, 2021
Very nice feature, @GaiaGPS!
For my purposes I have been very impressed with your “Gaia Topo (feet)” map, and now learning other features.
The afternoon weather forecast was wrong – – no rain!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) October 30, 2021
A great day for a walk on the @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail near the #ChagrinRiver in the @CleveMetroparks.
GPS by @GaiaGPS: 41.43517, -81.41266
The northern end of Zimmerman Trail is part of the @HikeTheBT’s #BuckeyeTrail.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) December 7, 2021
The @ohiodnr & @goCMNH’s #MentorMarsh State Nature Preserve is a great place to #hike! #Ohio #eagles!
GPS via @GaiaGPS
41.75198, -81.29336
@DrGarethFish1, that is great!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) January 20, 2022
My wife specifically wanted to see the falls today with all the snow.
GPS via @GaiaGPS: 41.57754, -81.42987
I saw earlier this year @GaiaGPS raised their "Premium" rate since I joined in March 2021
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 10, 2022
Now I see currently offering a discount for the 1st year for new customers
Their free version is great, but I need "Premium" features.
I REALLY like @GaiaGPS app:
While hiking the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop" in 2019/2020, I learned that there is a Tremaine Nature Preserve on Chagrin River Road. Biking by Tremaine Nature Preserve this year made me want to learn more about the preserve, but I have not been able to find anything online. Let me know if anyone reading this blog knows more about this nature preserve in Hunting Valley.
In 2020, I #FollowTheBlueBlazes to do @HikeTheBT’s 250+ mile “Little Loop” & learned this area is the Tremaine Nature Preserve in the Bedford section
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022
On #NationalTrailsDay, I am joining others on the #BuckeyeTrail for @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike.
.@HikeTheBT, I was searching online for information about the 'Tremaine Nature Preserve' that I saw on the Buckeye Trail along Chagrin River Road, but all I found was a website called "#ReadThePlaque" at:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 10, 2022
It is in the Village of Hunting Valley, Ohio.
Sights as I bike...
On #NationalTrailsDay, I am joining others on #Ohio’s #BuckeyeTrail for @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022 #FollowTheBlueBlazes
On #NationalTrailsDay, I am joining others on #Ohio’s #BuckeyeTrail for @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022 #FollowTheBlueBlazes
While on the trail, be sure to stop at the Cuyahoga County Public Library Gates Mills Branch (@CuyahogaLib) to see their beautiful reading area with a fireplace. I have a very fond memory of the first time stopping here on Day #4 (Tuesday, December 10, 2019) of my journey to complete the Buckeye Trail "Little Loop." It was 39 degrees that December day as I was walking the path of the Buckeye Trail, so the fireplace was a very nice sight!
As I was leaving the library, I talked to two women who had just attended a board meeting of supporters of the library. The told me how they were raising money for the library, and we joked about how you can never raise enough money. Talking to them reminded me of my days as a director of development (i.e., a fundraiser) for social service organizations in my first career. Learn more about library fundraising groups for the local library branches on the Friends of Cuyahoga County Public Library web page at:
While you #FollowTheBlueBlazes in Gates Mills, #Ohio be sure to stop and enjoy reading area with fireplace in their @CuyahogaLib branch.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022
I see #library on #NationalTrailsDay, #BuckeyeTrail for @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike.
Retweet the following tweet so more people learn about Friends of Cuyahoga County Public Library:
When I was at @CuyahogaLib Gates Mills Branch while biking the @HikeTheBT trail, I met 2 women who attended a Library Friends mtg about fundraising for the library.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 15, 2022
I just found the "Friends of #CuyahogaCounty Public Library" info:
Finished bike section . . .
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022
As I finished my bike ride, my wife and co-blogger, Julie, joined me. We enjoyed a picnic lunch together, and then proceeded to hike the Buckeye Trail where it goes through the Cleveland Metroparks North Chagrin Reservation.
After finishing bike ride on a section of @HikeTheBT's #BuckeyeTrail, I am now taking a #hike in @CleveMetroparks’s #NorthChagrinReservation.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022
Enjoying #NationalTrailsDay on the #BuckeyeTrail for @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike.
#FollowTheBlueBlazes on @HikeTheBT's #BuckeyeTrail to visit @CleveMetroparks’s A.B. Williams Memorial Woods in the #NorthChagrinReservation.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022
Enjoying #NationalTrailsDay on the #BuckeyeTrail for @HikeTheBT's #BiggestDayHike.
Thank you, Buckeye Trail Association!!
Hiking on the Buckeye Trail was a great way to participate in the 30th Annual American Hiking Society's National Trails Day®. I am very grateful to the leaders of the Buckeye Trail Association for planning their Biggest Day Hike, and for the work they do all year round to improve the Buckeye Trail. The video I embedded above does a good job of showing some of the Buckeye Trail Association's activities during the year. You can sign up to attend their events at:
Thank you, @HikeTheBT, for your #BiggestDayHike today on #Ohio’s 1,400+ #BuckeyeTrail!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 4, 2022
It was a GREAT way to celebrate the 30th Annual of @AmericanHiking #NationalTrailsDay 2022!
The BT is great!
I was glad to help the Buckeye Trail Association when they asked to use my photos in their future promotional endeavors:
Thank you for joining us on the Biggest Day Hike!
— The Buckeye Trail (@hikethebt) June 7, 2022
Would it be alright with you if we use your BDH photographs for future promotional purposes? If yes, we will credit you.
Yes, @HikeTheBT, you can use my BDH photos to promote your mission to provide a great long distance trail in #Ohio.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - (@sos_jr) June 10, 2022
Your good work is greatly appreciated
I sent you a DM with my info
I often enjoy the #BuckeyeTrail! Thanks!
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I always like to end my blog posts with a list of related blog posts, but I have written 20 past blog posts about the Buckeye Trail, so rather than listing them all here, it is best that you just see them all by pulling up all the posts tagged with:
More tags for related blog posts:
The Buckeye Trail goes through many park systems in Ohio including: Cleveland Metroparks - Geauga Park District - Lake Metroparks - Summit Metro Parks
A great way to learn explore new parks within the Cleveland Metroparks: Trail Challenge
There is obvious overlap between blog posts tagged as Backpacking - Bike - Hike - Trails, and with the tags above, but if you are interested, please take a look for ideas of places to explore.
I hope you find the resources I shared in this blog post useful as you find our own trail adventures. Happy Trails to you!
Biggest Day Hike 2022 Statistics!
Submitted by Stuart Smith on Thu, 06/23/2022 - 20:33

Stuart O. Smith, Jr., MNO
Blogging at:
Former Cleveland GiveCamp Steering Committee:
Former Web SIG Cleveland Leader:
I want to thank again the Buckeye Trail Association for their Biggest Day Hike 2022!
I will be sure to watch for more events on their website.
Here are @HikeTheBT's Jun 18, 2022, tweets with information about the day: