Six Days: Ten Cleveland Metroparks and Orienteering in Geauga Park District

Blog Date
Stuart O. Smith, Jr.

Cleveland Metroparks 2024 Trail Challenge
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Welcome to the 2024 Trail Challenge, a guest led program where you are challenged to complete 10 trails in 10 different Cleveland Metroparks reservations on your own in 2024! Explore new trails, move to better health, discover the wonders of nature, and earn a prize.

My wife and co-blogger, Julie, and I have completed the Cleveland Metroparks Trail Challenge in the past, taking most of the year to do it. This year, I decided to do something different, and complete the challenge in one week. I picked the first full week of February (5 days: February 5-9, 2024) to hike "... in 10 different Cleveland Metroparks reservations ..." In total, I hiked five days on 14 trails in ten reservations, and worked out at a gym on four of the mornings. I also ended the week on Saturday, February 10, 2024, by attending a Northeastern Ohio Orienteering Club event where they had developed a new map for the Geauga Park District's The West Woods.

Hiking these trails in a short time reminds me of a time during my first career when I had very limited time, so I used to do the annual Cuyahoga Challenge in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in just a few days. (Learn more about this former CVNP program in my blog post.) Trail challenges are great in that they have me hiking many trails that I would not have visited otherwise.

My plan is to do more trails that are part of the Cleveland Metroparks 2024 Trail Challenge with Julie in the months ahead, but I wanted to get a strong start for the year. Also, Northeast Ohio was having an unusually warm week for February, and I wanted to get outside. (Actually, I would have gone outside even if it had been bad weather. Sometimes what others call "bad weather" leads to unique experiences! Read the article What Is Type Two Fun and Why Is It Good For You? by Outward Bound.)

What follows are some trail resources, followed by information and photos/videos from the trails I hiked. I hope this blog post encourages you to get out on our local park trails in 2024!



Trail Resources

Here are some resources for planning and conducting your trail travels:



Trail Challenge 1: Monday, January 22, 2024 - Bedford Reservation

0.2 miles: Bridal Veil Falls 41.371820, -81.548877
This short stroll takes you down a few sets of stairs before you cross a bridge where you can take in the beautiful falls. Come after a strong rain and you’ll see a great sight!

On Sunday, February 4, 2024, as I was planning to start the Cleveland Metroparks’ Trail Challenge the next day, I was surprised to see I had already done the first trail — Bridal Veil Falls. I had been asked by the University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute to be interviewed on January 22, 2024, by Spectrum News 1 reporter Kimberly Perez for a news story for February - American Heart Month. I took Kimberly Perez on a beautiful, snowy section of the Buckeye Trail to Bridal Veil Falls in Cleveland Metroparks’ Bedford Reservation. Therefore, I had already begun the 2024 Trail Challenge!

Kimberly Perez is from Los Angeles, California, and only moved to Ohio recently. It was great to hike with her and see the beauty of the snow-covered trail and evergreen trees through her eyes. Experiencing snow is new for her, and Kimberly shared with her family the experience by sending them photos of our Buckeye Trail hike.

I arranged for my wife and co-blogger, Julie, to join us to take photos of the interview process. I am so glad that she was able to attend, since she captured the beauty of the area with her photography. The day after I posted photos, the Buckeye Trail Association shared my Facebook post with their 11,000+ Facebook followers.

January 23, 2024, the Buckeye Trail Association shared my Facebook post of my interview by Spectrum News 1 reporter Kimberly Perez.
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Read all the details in my blog post:

Before publishing this blog post, I sent an email to Kimberly Perez letting her know that our walk to Bridal Veil Falls is part of the 2024 Cleveland Metroparks Trail Challenge. Since she is new to Northeast Ohio, I suggested that these challenge hikes would be a good way for her to learn about our local parks!


Start of Five Days on 14 Trails in Ten Reservations


Trail Challenge 2: Monday, February 5, 2024 - Rocky River Reservation

4.2 miles: Scenic Park to Memorial Field Loop 41.478773, -81.829057
Take the APT from Scenic Park, walking or biking to Memorial Field, taking to paved loop around Memorial Field before heading back to Scenic Park.

I walked the All Purpose Trail which winds through the park and at times near the Rocky River. It was interesting to find the Smoky Memorial along the path I walked today. “Smoky Memorial celebrates Smoky, a Yorkshire Terrier that aided troops during WWII and later became the world’s first therapy dog on record.” I used both my Cleveland Metroparks Mobile App and my Gaia GPS map app. The last time I did the Trail Challenge was in 2020. I was glad to be able to get out again this year.

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



Trail Challenge 3: Monday, February 5, 2024 - Huntington Reservation

0.6 miles: Porter Creek 41.489180, -81.935520
Take the APT south and then turn left onto the Porter Creek Trail. As you exit the woods, go left and walk back towards the starting location. Be sure to check out Karen’s Way Play Space across the street if you have younger children.

In addition to walking the Porter Creek Trail for the trail challenge, I went to both BAYarts and Huntington Beach, where I saw the new “Karen’s Way Play Space.”

On July 9, 2023, I was here at BAYarts for The Cleveland Shakespeare Festival production of Shakespeare’s As You Like It, which was presented with the support of Cuyahoga Arts & Culture. I look forward to seeing more Cleveland Shakespeare Festival productions in Summer 2024. See my blog posts about Cleveland Shakespeare Festival.

I recommend viewing videos in full screen mode!
Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



Trail Challenge 4: Monday, February 5, 2024 - Bradley Woods Reservation

1.8 miles: Quarry Trail 41.418690, -81.952750
Take the trail directly across the road from the shelter and look for the old quarry sites along the way and then take the entrance road back when the dirt trail ends.

Bradley Woods Reservation is the third reservation I visited on this day!

You will need waterproof boots to hike the Quarry Trail this time of year, unless you don’t mind getting your feet wet! There is a park display at the Codrington Shelterhouse Picnic Area that says: “Bradley Woods Reservation is the only area in Cleveland Metroparks that is considered to be a swamp forest, a wetland dominated by woody vegetation.”

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.

The following photo is my favorite from this trail challenge week for a couple of reasons. It is looking down onto the path that is the Bradley Woods Reservation's Quarry Trail as I began my walk. First, I just like the image -- the reflection shows the beauty of the leafless trees against the gray sky. Secondly, because the image reminds me to look for beauty in what others would see as adversity -- walking in a wet swamp on a cold February day. While my Bradley Woods hike did not entail physical discomfort, it did remind me to again recommend reading the article by Outward Bound: What Is Type Two Fun and Why Is It Good For You?

My favorite photo from my trail challenge week: the start of the Bradley Woods Reservation Quarry Trail
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Trail Challenge 5: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - West Creek Reservation

Before I went on my two hikes here, I first visited the Watershed Stewardship Center, and noted that the parking lot was very full this Tuesday morning. There were not many people in the museum part of the center, but I was told that the Cleveland Metroparks was having a large staff meeting here in the Confluence Room.

If you have never visited the Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek, you should go. I talked to the front desk staff to confirm the routes of the two Trail Challenge trails that are in the West Creek Reservation.

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, and read the interesting facts that are in the slides.

1.5 miles: Jewelwing Loop 41.388070, -81.694260
Start at Bluebird Point and use the app to link up three trails to make this 1.5 mile long loop. Watch for birds and wildlife around the praire or down by the water.

I did not think I had ever walked the Jewelwing Loop before. The day was very sunny, so it felt warmer than the day before, but along the Jewelwing Trail, I saw ice on the surface of several pools of water.

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.

1.6 miles: Gorge Loop 41.388070, -81.694260
Take the APT to the Gateway Trail and then turn right onto the Gorge Loop. This purpose built mountain bike trail is a fun little ride that you don’t want to miss. Please visit Cleveland Metroparks mobile app to confirm the trail is open as this trail closes to all trail users depending on conditions.

After hiking the Jewelwing Trail, I explored the Gorge Loop, which is designed for mountain biking.

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



Trail Challenge 6: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - Hinckley Reservation

2.0 miles: Ledge Lake Loop 41.202050, -81.726559
The Ledge Lake Loop brings together multiple trail experiences including prairie, forest and open fields to form this loop route exclusive to the app.

This was the first time I remembered ever seeing Ledge Lake and hiking on the Ledge Lake Loop Trail. It is a beautiful section of woods.

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



Trail Challenge 7: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 - Acacia Reservation

1.7 miles: Woodpecker Way 41.501350, -81.490670
Start at the kiosk nearest the shelter and enjoy this fairly flat loop as you admire flowers, grasses and trees restoring this former golf course back to nature.

It was a very sunny, but cool, morning to walk the park’s All Purpose Trail - only 35°F.

It was interesting to see the plants growing in the area that used to be a golf course, and to hear the morning birds.

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



Trail Challenge 8: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 - Euclid Creek Reservation

1.0 miles: Eastern Ledge 41.547130, -81.528480
This beautiful trail, complete with a suspension bridge, custom timber stairs and a great overlook is not to be missed during this out and back route.

Get your heart pumping by climbing the stairs up the Eastern Ledge Trail in Euclid Creek Reservation!!

This trail opened in 2022: “The trail includes a pedestrian suspension bridge, funded by a private donor, that spans Euclid Creek and connects the Welsh Woods Picnic Area to the eastern side of the gorge. The trail then winds up the hillside leading to the overlook that stands more than 130 feet above Euclid Creek, making it the highest overlook in the Park District.”

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



Trail Challenge 9: Thursday, February 8, 2024 - South Chagrin Reservation

2.4 miles: Hatchet Ridge Loop 41.417235, -81.415731
Begin at Henry Church, Jr. Rock Picnic Area. This loop traverses sections of the Henry Church Rock Loop, Hatchet Ridge Trail, Bridle Trail and Buckeye Trail.

On the Trail Challenge, you get to visit parks you’ve never seen before, and like I did this day, you get to visit an old favorite.

It was great to be on the Buckeye Trail at Henry Church, Jr., Rock. Then I walked on horse trails, and other trails to loop back to where I started. The Buckeye Trail Association manages a great trail throughout Ohio! See my Buckeye Trail blog posts.

I remember coming to Henry Church, Jr., Rock when I was a kid. In the summer of 2022, this was one of many places I would bring my dad. (I took him to many parks and museums.) The path to the overlook above Henry Church, Jr., Rock is paved, so I could push my dad in his wheelchair.

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.

1.1 miles: Sulphur Springs Loop 41.420580, -81.424080
Travel this hilly trail through a forest more typical of a northern climate and cut by a coldwater stream.

The main road to Sulfur Springs picnic area was closed, but I looked at the map on the Cleveland Metroparks Mobile App, and saw that there was a trail parallel to the road. This trail provided a beautiful view of the stream below.

Once at the Sulphur Springs picnic area, I used both the Gaia GPS map app and the Cleveland Metroparks Mobile App to explore the park.

Note: I normally hike on the Buckeye Trail in this area. See the FarOut Map App on the The Buckeye Trail Association website.

I don’t know when the road was torn out, but I knew that back in the late 1970s, there used to be a paved road back into the woods. I decided to follow the path of the former road first. Then, I followed the orange Sulphur Springs Trail markers, which led me to a section of the park that I had never seen before!

I had to cross the stream, jumping from rock to rock several times in tennis shoes, but in high water times, you may want to wear waterproof boots, or plan on getting your feet wet.

I recommend viewing videos in full screen mode!
Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



Trail Challenge 10: Thursday, February 8, 2024 - North Chagrin Reservation

1.0 miles: Sylvan Loop 41.560090, -81.429810
Starting at A.B. Williams Memorial Woods for this hike/walk that takes you though an amazing example of a beech-maple forest with great views along the way.

My wife, Julie, and my son, Michael, met me at the path that goes through the A.B. Williams Memorial Woods (a Registered National Landmark) and the Sylvan Trail Loop. We saw many numbered tags on the trees, which we assumed was part of a tree inventory of the area.

Be sure to see the A.B. Williams Memorial near where the Buckeye Trail goes through the park.

As we were leaving, I saw QR codes on several of the trail signs. I tried one, which went to a location map at:

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



Trail Challenge 11: Friday, February 9, 2024 - Brecksville Reservation

The 2024 Trail Challenge calls for completing trails in ten Cleveland Metroparks reservations. Brecksville Reservation was actually the 11th reservation that I visited this year for the Trail Challenge. I completed my 12th and 13th trails in this park. I also added the Gorge Trail as my "Guest Choice" trail, making that my 14th trail.

2.8 miles: Hemlock Trail 41.319958, -81.622459
This beautiful trail drops over 175 feet of elevation as you hike on your way out, so be prepared for a climb on your way back.

I had hiked on most of the Hemlock Trail before, but I had never been to the western end of it. I knew when I got to the suspension bridge to look for the Northeast Ohio Orienteering Club (NEOOC) orienteering marker. If you ever want to try orienteering, there’s a permanent course that NEOOC has set in the Brecksville reservation. I highly recommend you attend a NEOOC orienteering event if you want to learn more.

Guest Choice returns!

In addition to the trails listed above, you have the ability to hike, bike, ski, or travel any trail within Cleveland Metroparks and count that towards your prize. You can only do this one time for each reservation! The goal for this year’s Trail Challenge is for you to have fun exploring trails in at least 10 reservations. If the wayfinding of the provided trails becomes confusing, use the Cleveland Metroparks App to navigate, create your own adventure by choosing a different trail for that reservation, or join Cleveland Metroparks staff for a variety of guided hikes, rides or paddling programs offered throughout the year.

The last time I was in this area on the Hemlock Trail, the Gorge Loop Trail was just being built. It was great to finally get to walk this new trail. Thank you to the Cleveland Metroparks for this great trail!

Gorge-ous Loop Trail … The trail is 0.3 miles long and includes 75 stairs made of natural materials. Each stone was set by hand by Cleveland Metroparks Trails Division.”

The following video has photos and videos from both the Hemlock Trail and Gorge Loop Trail. I highly recommend exploring the Gorge Loop Trail if you visit the Brecksville Reservation!

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Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.

2.0 miles: White Oak/My Mountrain Trail Loop 41.315870, -81.598860
Take the stairs up from Plateau Picnic Area and follow signs for the My Mountain Overlook. This new trail is absolutely beautiful and takes you to a nice overlook of the Chippewa Creek Valley.

Last year, I was hiking sections of the Buckeye Trail as part of my recovery after surgery at University Hospitals (see my Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy blog posts). While on the Buckeye Trail, as I was leaving Cuyahoga Valley National Park and entering the Cleveland Metroparks Brecksville Reservation, I saw a lot of new trails being built.

On this February 9, 2024 hike, I saw more trail work in progress, and saw the great results from last year. Fortunately, the park manager, Jeremy Peppeard, of Brecksville Reservation, was on the trail putting up a bench at the new overlook, that a donor had sponsored. I was glad to be able to thank him in person for all the great trail work done last year. Everyone should get on the trail this year to explore this area.

The afternoon temperature in Brecksville, Ohio, was 63°F.

I recommend viewing videos in full screen mode!
Please feel free to pause the video to enjoy the views, read the interesting facts, and study the maps that are in the slides.



2024 Trail Challenge Prize Redemption

2024 Trail Challenge Prize Redemption
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I need to wait until after March 31, 2024, to pick up my 2024 Trail Challenge prize. In the past, prizes I have earned have included a special Trail Challenge mug, and a SWAG (Stuff We All Get) bag. I wonder what the prize will be this year.


Ending My Week at a
Northeastern Ohio Orienteering Club Event
The West Woods, Geauga Park District


Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 2024 West Woods Classic-O

All New Map!

In partnership with Geauga County Parks, we are excited to bring orienteering to The West Woods, a 902 acre park.

Over 150 hours have been spent mapping this fabulous venue, which features challenging terrain and hidden features. An East Side gem – not to miss!

This will be a classic orienteering event, with 5 courses covering the Beginner through Advanced skill levels.

. . .

Cost: $10 with preregistration for NEOOC members, $15 for non-members. Walk-up cost is $20 for anyone

. . .


A big THANKS to:

Mapper: Jonathan Boyer
Event Director: Jay Smink
Course Design / Setting: Jonathan
On-line Registrar: Fred Mailey
Results: Mike Avery
Venue Liaison: Jonathan

After my week of trail challenges, it was great to end the week by attending the Northeastern Ohio Orienteering Club (NEOOC) event at Geauga Park District's The West Woods. I normally go to The West Woods a few times a year, but like most people, I normally just visit their great nature center or occasionally hike one of their trails. Attending an orienteering event is a completely different experience. Using a map and compass helps you to explore parts of the park that you would not normally ever see.

At most locations that I attend for an NEOOC event, I mainly use my map, but for the second half of this orange level course that I followed on February 10, 2024, I needed to do some serious compass work!! Congratulations to the NEOOC leadership for the new map that was created this year for this park, and a BIG thank-you for all the great events planned year-round.

I plan to attend more events this year, and hope to improve my map- and compass-reading skills. I highly recommend giving orienteering a try. If you are completely new to orienteering, see the resources on the "Learn" section of the NEOOC website:

I recommend viewing videos in full screen mode!

In addition to including this orienteering section of this blog post to thank the NEOOC leadership, I want to also let you know that the Geauga Park District has their own trail challenge program:


Are you setting a New Year’s resolution to explore Nature more? To discover new places, or get more exercise? Or maybe all three?

Here’s a program that’ll be perfect for you, now in its fourth year: the Geauga Gems Trekking Series!

. . .

Hike the Seasons!
To complete this year’s series, explore a minimum of four trails each season from that season’s list, . . . Hike a total of 16 trails by 12-31-24 to earn your commemorative amethyst sticker for the year (and your trekking pole if you are a first-time finisher). . . .

Learn more about the Geauga Gems Trekking Series (GGTS) at:


Related Blog Posts

I always like to end my blog posts with a list of related blog posts. I hope you explore some of the following that may interest you:

In 2022, I participated in a service project at the Richfield Heritage Preserve with members of the Northeastern Ohio Orienteering Club:


Learn about my participation in the inaugural (2017), and 2020 Trail Challenge in these blog posts:


See my two Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy recovery blog posts, about the two times I took reporters on the Buckeye Trail:


There is a high level of overlap here between these topics, but see the following blog tags: "Cleveland Metroparks," "Buckeye Trail," "hike," and "trails."

I hope this blog post encourages others to get out on the trail!


Submitted by Stuart Smith on Wed, 04/17/2024 - 17:32


I received my 2024 Trail Challenge prize at the North Chagrin Nature Center
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On Wednesday, April 17, 2024, I went to the Cleveland Metroparks North Chagrin Nature Center and picked up my 2024 Trail Challenge sticker and prize that I had earned back in February.

Here are my photos of the prize, sticker, and my 2024 Trail Challenge checklist of the reservations I hiked:

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2024 Trail Challenge Prize and Sticker
      2024 Trail Challenge Checklist

Visit for complete details and the list of trails.
