Cleveland Technology + Art = Ingenuityfest Weekend 2014!

Blog Date
Stuart O. Smith, Jr.

Cleveland Technology + Art = Ingenuityfest Weekend!
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Cleveland Technology + Art = Ingenuityfest Weekend!

Every year, the tribe of people interested in supporting artists and technologists in our community comes together in an annual gathering called Ingenuityfest. 2014 marked the 10th anniversary of this gathering.

The following are my tweets leading up to this weekend event, followed by tweets, photos, and videos from the event. My goal is to share a little bit of Ingenuityfest 2014. To truly experience it, though, you must attend this annual Cleveland event.

Pre-Ingenuityfest Tweets/Retweets

Friday Night IngenuityFest - September 26, 2014

The real gems Friday night included the following:

  • Tim Willis & his robot. Before Ingenuityfest, I had seen the following WEWS TV-5 (@WEWS) video about Tim Willis. While everyone was taking photos selfies with his robot, I thought it was appropriate to take a photo of him with his creation.


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Tim Willis & his robot
Tim Willis & his robotTim Willis and his monster truck


Playlist (6 videos): 9/26/14 IngenuityFest Day One - Tesla Orchestra

Also, within the art vendor area, I was glad to see Ryan Schoeneman of Colby Featherbottom's Custom Sound Machines ( - @CFBCSM, Note that they no longer use their old Twitter name of: @Caique_Colby) featuring their locally made custom guitars created with a 72-hour turnaround. I had met Ryan Schoeneman at the JumpStart (@JumpStartInc) 2014 Northeast Ohio Entrepreneur Expo (please read my blog post for more information about other Cleveland area Entrepreneurs) and was interested to learn more about his business.

I discovered later that I had missed many more exhibits that were in the Great Lakes Science Center (@GLScienceCtr). With all that I viewed at the Port of Cleveland (@PortOfCleveland) warehouse and outdoors, I did not get to the Science Center before it closed. If Ingenuityfest (@Ingenuityfest) partners again with the Great Lakes Science Center, I would recommend visitors start with this indoor venue that closed much earlier than the rest of the festival.

If your device does not support photos, please view them here.

Friday Night IngenuityFest Tweets/Retweets - September 26, 2014

Saturday IngenuityFest - September 27, 2014

Since most of Ingenuityfest started in the afternoon, my wife, Julie, and I spent the morning at the NEORSD Open House (see our blog post: Visiting Wally Waterdrop - NEORSD Open House) before heading to the Port of Cleveland and Great Lakes Science Center (@GLScienceCtr).

Arriving at the Great Lakes Science Center, I was very impressed!

The environment was much like I had written about in the blog post about the 2014 Cleveland Mini Maker Faire, which took place at the Cleveland Public Library (@Cleveland_PL). Many of my favorites were here, and I enjoyed talking to many people at the maker booths.

There were so many people I talked to on Saturday, that I can't list them all. Instead, I invite you to view my photos, videos, and tweets that will give you an overview of the day.

If your device does not support photos, please view them here.


9/27/14 IngenuityFest Day Two - Cleveland Game Devs Drone Demo


Playlist (3 videos): 9/27/14 IngenuityFest Day Two - Tesla Orchestra


9/27/14 IngenuityFest Day Two - Tim Willis's Robot

Saturday IngenuityFest Tweets/Retweets - September 27, 2014

Sunday IngenuityFest - September 28, 2014

The final day! I want to thank the members of the Cleveland Gamers Developers (@CleGameDevs) who allowed me to learn more today. In particular, I want to thank Brittany Moore (@MooreCreativity) for letting me try out her Wacom tablet (@Wacom) which was of special interest to me, since I had recently been to the Cleveland Digital Publishing Users Group (@CDPUG) meeting on An Overview of Wacom Graphics Tablets.

I would also like to recognize the Rust Belt Monster (@RustBeltMonster) artists for their mural -- it was fun to watch its evolution over the weekend!

It was nice ending the day listening to the Womack Band (@WomackFamily), who I have enjoyed in the past at the Codemash (@Codemash) technology conference (see video in my CodeMash 2013 - Wednesday blog post).

If your device does not support photos, please view them here.


Playlist (3 videos): 9/28/14 IngenuityFest Day Three - S.A.R.A. Synesthetic Augmented Reality


9/28/14 IngenuityFest Day Three - Spirograph


9/28/14 IngenuityFest Day Three - Womack Band


9/28/14 IngenuityFest Day Three - Rust Belt Monster Collective

Sunday IngenuityFest Tweets/Retweets - September 28, 2014


With so many things to do at the Great Lakes Science Center and Port of Cleveland (@PortOfCleveland), it is interesting to know that there were more things to do that I missed even after attending all three days.

One of the strengths of Ingenuityfest Weekend is that it showcases organizations that are active year round. It is a great place to touch base with and learn about these organizations, but it should be the starting point for supporting all that is happening in Cleveland in the areas of art and technology.

After IngenuityFest Tweets/Retweets


Ingenuity Cleveland & Great Lakes Science Center

 Great Lakes Science Center
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I recommend learning more about Ingenuity's year-round programing by visiting their website and following their @Ingenuity Twitter feed.

You can also learn more about Ingenuity Cleveland by reading my blog posts about the events that I attended:

Also learn more about the Great Lakes Science Center in my blog posts: