2012 to 2015!!!
I am celebrating three years of having fun exploring our community and writing about our experiences!
First and foremost, I want to begin by thanking my great co-writer and wife, Julie Smith! I enjoy sharing the journey with her.
When I look at the titles and images associated with the blog posts from this past year, I get really excited. They not only bring back memories of all the enjoyable things we did this past year, but also make me anticipate the potential of the coming year! Please take a look at our blog posts at: sosAssociates.com/Blog
Enlarge view of
all the images from blog posts from this past year
Three very fun and active years have passed since my first "Hello, World! My First Blog Post!" message! On my first Blogiversary, I listed 120 organizations that I tracked.
For my second, Blogiversary: Two, I was tracking 140 organizations, and commented about the exciting growth in Cleveland and Akron, which made it difficult to keep up with my weekly tech/social media announcements.
So, on May 27, 2014, I did my very last weekly Cleveland Tech, Entrepreneur & Social Media Meetings Mon 5/26 - Mon 6/2 post. However, I still post daily @sos_jr meeting announcements over the lunch hour on Twitter at: Twitter.com/sos_jr -- please take a look and share with others by retweeting.
The statement I put on the sosAssociates.com home page has not changed over these three years, since it still reflects the items that Julie and I write about:
sosAssociates.com is an extension of my @sos_jr Twitter interests -- taking it beyond the 140 characters. Current focus areas include:
- Promoting and sharing experiences at Cleveland tech meetings, social media events, and some entrepreneur groups
- WebSigCleveland.org
- Website Design & Technology
- Cleveland Cultural Events, Art, Theatre
Call For Action
2015 marks my 10th year of running the WebSigCleveland.org meetings. Held on the third Saturday of most months, all WebSigCleveland.org meeting are free and open to all, so please help me spread the word by inviting others. I run my WebSigCleveland.org meetings as a labor of love, so like last year, I want to ask you to please do the following to support all the "Tech, Entrepreneur & Social Media Meetings" in Cleveland and Akron.
Call for action! The reason I publish the following list is to encourage you to thank the leaders and assist in promoting their meetings. Please do the following:
See the names listed with the events in my blog posts, and follow them on Twitter, if you do that sort of thing (I find Twitter fun, and a great way to learn about a lot of great activities). Please share their meeting information on your favorite social media.
Most of these Cleveland tech, social media, and entrepreneur meetings are free or low cost. Please go out of your way to thank the leader(s) and let them know you appreciate their good work. Offer to buy them their favorite beverage.
Finally, if you see a group listed that is not currently meeting, or think of a topic that is not being covered, please volunteer to take a leadership role to make the meeting happen!
Our Community is much stronger for having these opportunities to learn from each other. Thank you for supporting each other.
Stuart's List - Please follow @sos_jr for announcements!
This list has grown to the point that I need help promoting them all. If you run one of these groups, please tweet out meeting announcements (it is easier to retweet than create). If you believe in what these groups are doing for Cleveland and Akron, please ACTIVELY promote them on all your favorite social media. Thank you!
I have put "2015" in bold for the groups that I know I added since last year, so you can check them out.
.NET SIG http://www.bennettadelson.com/ComingEvents.aspx Follow: @Bennett_Adelson
20/30 Club Tech Committee (Cleveland Professional's Club) http://www.cleveland2030.org/calendar Follow: @CP2030 @kmsolorio
Afternoons@Ahuja http://afternoonsatahuja.com/ Follow: @JimDorazio
AIGA Cleveland http://cleveland.aiga.org/ Follow: @aigacleveland
Akron Big Data and Hadoop Group http://www.meetup.com/Akron-Big-Data-and-Hadoop-Group/
Akron Canton PC Users Group http://www.acpcug.org/site3/
Akron Chapter of The Association of Information Technology Professionals http://akron-aitp.org/
Akron Code Club http://www.meetup.com/AkronCodeClub/ Follow: @AkronCodeClub @jerrydantonio -
Akron Film+Pixel http://akronfilm.com/ Follow: @akronfilm
Akron Game Developers http://www.meetup.com/Akron-Game-Developers/
Akron Linux Users Group http://www.meetup.com/Akron-Linux-Users-Group/ Follow: @davidegts
Akron Mini Maker Faire http://makerfaireakron.akronlibrary.org/ http://www.makerfaireakron.com/ Follow: @AkronLibrary
Akron Programming Languages Group http://www.meetup.com/Akron-Programming-Languages-Group/ Follow: @gsvolt
Akron Software Developers Guild (Akron, OH) - Meetup http://www.meetup.com/AkronSDG/
Akron Women in Tech http://www.meetup.com/Akron-Women-In-Tech/ Follow: @AkronWiT @wirthdesign @MistressOfFrog -
Akron/Canton web meetup http://www.meetup.com/akroncantonweb/ Follow: @coffeeandcode
AMC @ CWRU (CWRU's Association of Computing Machinery) http://acm.case.edu/ Follow: @cwruACM
Association of Personal Computer User Groups http://apcug.net/events/ http://ugls.apcug.net/FindUserGroup.aspx Follow: @apcug
Bad Girl Ventures Cleveland http://www.badgirlventures.com/locations/cleveland/calendar/ Follow: @BGV_Cleveland
Big Data Analytics Special Interest Group - Cleveland, Ohio http://www.meetup.com/Big-Data-Analytics-Special-Interest-Group/
Bizdom Cleveland http://www.meetup.com/BizdomCleveland/ Follow: @BizdomCleveland
Burning River Developers http://www.meetup.com/Burning-River-Developers/ Follow: @burningriverdev @kberridge @StuartSaunders
Business Gateway Series http://www.csuohio.edu/business/global/gateway/ Follow: @LaunchHouse @CMLAWSchool
C#/VB.Net SIG http://www.clevelanddotnet.info/ http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-C-VB-Net-User-Group/ Follow: @SamNasr @CLEDotNet
Canton Ohio Web Meetup Group http://www.meetup.com/Canton-Ohio-Web-Meetup/ Follow: @kkeiper1103
Charged Conversation http://www.meetup.com/Charged-Conversation/events/164348292/ Follow: @ContextualElec @chris_gammell
CLE Byte http://www.meetup.com/CLE-Byte/ Follow: @clebyte @faehnrich -
CLE Game Co-Op http://www.meetup.com/CLEGameCoOp/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/CLEGameCoOp/ Follow: @CleGameCoop #GameOnCLE @playvue -
CLE Internet Marketing Meetup Group http://www.meetup.com/CLE-Internet-Marketing/ Follow: @CLEMeetup @JoeKneale
Cleveland Adobe Users Group http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Adobe-User-Group/ Follow: @cfaddict
Cleveland Agile Group (#CleAG) http://www.meetup.com/ClevelandAgile/ Follow: @jonrstahl @chzy @DocOnDev Hashtag: #CleAG
Cleveland Area DevOps Interest Group http://www.meetup.com/DevOpsCLE/ Follow: @devopscle @benjaminws
Cleveland Area Python Interest Group http://clepy.org/ http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Area-Python-Interest-Group/ Follow: @CLEPY @dstanek @mcrute
Cleveland Big Data and Hadoop User Group http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Hadoop/
Cleveland Boomerangs https://www.facebook.com/groups/clevelandboomerangs/events/
Cleveland Chapter of the American Marketing Association http://clevelandama.com/ Follow: @ClevelandAMA
Cleveland Civic Hacking Meetup http://www.meetup.com/cleveland-civic-hacking/ Follow: @JeffSchuler @OpenGeoCle
Cleveland CocoaHeads http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-CocoaHeads/
Cleveland Digital Publishing Users Group (CDPUG) http://www.cdpug.org/ Follow: @CDPUG
Cleveland Drupal User Group http://www.meetup.com/cleveland-drupal/ Follow: @DrupalCleveland @JeffSchuler
Cleveland Game Developers http://www.meetup.com/clevelandgamedev/ Follow: @pixelcream @mattperrin
Cleveland Game Devs http://www.clegamedevs.com/ Follow: @CleGameDevs -
Cleveland GiveCamp http://www.clevelandgivecamp.org/ Follow: @CleGiveCamp @MarkWSchumann @AmyCWong @AndrewCr @JonrStahl @LaurenceMingle @BeyerMatthew @NickBarendt
Cleveland InDesign User Group http://www.indesignusergroup.com/chapters/cleveland/ Follow: @AprilClark
Cleveland Indians Social Suite http://cleveland.indians.mlb.com/cle/fan_forum/social_suite.jsp http://mlb.mlb.com/fan_forum/social_media/index.jsp?c_id=cle Follow: @Indians
Cleveland IT Security Meetup Group http://www.meetup.com/Hurricane-Labs-IT-Security-Meetup-Group/ Follow: @hurricanelabs
Cleveland Java Meetup Group http://www.meetup.com/cleveland-java/ Follow: @JavaCleveland
Cleveland JavaScript Meetup http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-JavaScript-Meetup/ Follow: @uzquiano @Jarmmi
Cleveland Lean Startup Circle http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Lean-Startup-Circle/ Follow: @nickbarendt @jonrstahl @DocOnDev @gsvitak
Cleveland machine intelligentsia http://www.meetup.com/cleveland-machine-intelligence/ Follow: @SmartTypes @AndrewCr @mw44118 @excentrixweb @dstanek @bikegriffith
Cleveland Mobile App How To Marketing http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Mobile-App-How-To-Marketing/ Follow: @mobileezapp -
Cleveland MongoDB Group http://www.meetup.com/MongoDB-Cleveland Follow: @uzquiano
Cleveland MySQL Meetup http://www.meetup.com/mysql-cleveland/ Follow: @JavaCleveland @MySQLCleveland
Cleveland Node.js User Group http://www.meetup.com/NodejsCleveland/ Follow: @maurerdotme @SPGrasso
Cleveland Perl Mongers http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Perl-Mongers/ Follow: @RunByMany -
Cleveland Photographic Society http://www.clevelandphoto.org/ Follow: @CPSPhoto
Cleveland Podcaster Meetup http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Podcaster-Meetup/ Follow: @LearnToPodcast -
Cleveland Public LIbrary TechCentral http://www.cpl.org/TheLibrary/TechCentral.aspx http://www.cpl.org/EventsClasses/ComputerClassesAssistance.aspx Follow: @techcentral_cpl @Cleveland_PL
Cleveland Ruby Brigade http://www.meetup.com/ClevelandRuby/ Follow: @clerb @DocOnDev @chzy @Contribute007 @zspencer
Cleveland Sencha Users Group http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Sencha-Users-Group/ Follow: @CleSenchaGroup
Cleveland SharePoint User Group http://www.sharepointcleveland.com/ Follow: @SharePointCLE @smartyskirt
Cleveland Social Media Club! http://clevelandsmc.ning.com/ Follow: @SMCCLE
Cleveland Social Media Enthusiasts http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Social-Media-Enthusiasts/ Follow: @SocialMediaEnth -
Cleveland Startup Weekend http://cleveland.startupweekend.org/ Follow: @SWCLE
Cleveland Web Design and Development Meetup http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Web-Design-and-Development-Meetup/ Follow: @aoirthoir
Cleveland Web Standards Association (CWSA) http://www.clevelandwebstandards.org/ Follow: @CWSA
Cleveland WordPress Bloggers http://www.meetup.com/cleveland-ohio-bloggers/ Follow: @ClevelandBlogs @WPTuneups
Cleveland WordPress Meetup http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-WordPress-Meetup/ Follow: @PhilHoyt -
Cleveland WPF User Group http://www.clevelandwpf.info/ http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-WPF-User-Group/ Follow: @CLEWPF @SamNasr
Cleveland.Com #CleTweetUp http://www.cleveland.com/tweetup/ http://www.facebook.com/clevelandcom/events https://twitter.com/i/#!/search/realtime/%23CLETweetup Follow: @ClevelandDotCom @dan_labbe @denisep
ClevelandDotNet http://clevelanddotnet.blogspot.com/ Follow: @SamNasr
CleveSec http://www.meetup.com/CleveSec/ Follow: @CleveSec @Turtl3Up -
Code for Summit County http://www.meetup.com/Code-for-Summit-County/ Follow: @pzula @prestonrhea -
CodeMash http://www.codemash.org/ http://groups.google.com/group/CodeMash Follow: @CodeMash
CodeRetreat http://coderetreat.org/about Follow: @CodeRetreat @coreyhaines
Computers Assisting People Inc. (CAP) http://www.capinc.org/
Content Strategy: Cleveland http://www.meetup.com/Content-Strategy-Cleveland/ Follow: @awakulch
Conversion Rate Optimization Professionals' Association http://www.cropa.net/ Follow: @CROProA @mikeperla @akrejny
CWRU LaunchPad http://cwru.thelaunchpad.org/ Follow: @LaunchPadCWRU -
Data Visualization & Visual Analytics Meetup – Cleveland http://www.meetup.com/Data-Visualization-Visual-Analytics-Meetup-Clevel…
Drupal Camp Ohio http://drupalcampohio.org/ Follow: @DrupalCampOhio
Enterprise Architect/Solution Architect Meetup http://www.meetup.com/Enterprise-Architect-Solution-Architect-Meetup/ Follow: @MySQLCleveland
Entrepreneurs Club of America - Cleveland http://www.facebook.com/TECACleveland
Flashstarts http://www.flashstarts.com/ Follow: @Flashstarts -
Friends of Ingenuity http://www.meetup.com/ingenuity/ Follow: @Ingenuityfest -
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at Cuyahoga Community College I http://www.tri-c.edu/workforce/GoldmanSachs/Pages/default.aspx http://www.goldmansachs.com/citizenship/10000-small-businesses/US/index… Follow: @GoldmanSachs at @TriCedu
Google Technology User Groups (GTUG) Cleveland https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/cleveland-gtug http://www.gtugs.org/chapter.jsp?id=1026
Gorilla Group http://www.thegorillagroup.org/ Follow: @TheGorillaGroup
Great Lakes Geek http://www.greatlakesgeek.com/events/calendar.htm Follow: @GreatLakesGeek @DanHanson
Great Lakes Science Center http://www.greatscience.com/ Follow: @GLScienceCtr -
Greater Cleveland PC Users Group (GCPCUG) http://gcpcug.org/ Other Technology & User Groups in Ohio http://www.gcpcug.org/othergroups Follow: @GCPCUG @GeekClean
Greater Cleveland R Group http://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-UseR-Group/ Follow: @nhermez
Greater Cleveland Web Business Owners and Wannabe's http://www.meetup.com/Greater-Cleveland-Web-Business-MeetUP/ Follow: @dave_van_horn
Hack NEO http://hackneo.org/ Follow: @Hack4NEO
HackCWRU http://www.hackcwru.com/ Follow: @HackCWRU
Heights Library Computer Classes http://events.heightslibrary.org/computer-classes/ Follow: @heightslibrary
HubSpot Cleveland User Group https://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3860316 Follow: @Diadalsky @pr2020
Hudson Software Craftmanship User Group (HUDSONSC) http://hudsonsc.com/meetings/ Follow: @HudsonSC
INETA User Groups http://www.ineta.org/UserGroups/FindUserGroups.aspx Follow: @INETA
Ingenuityfest Cleveland http://www.ingenuitycleveland.com/ http://www.meetup.com/ingenuity/ Follow: @Ingenuityfest
Insivia http://www.insivia.com/seminar/ Follow: @insivia @andyhalko -
Institute for the Science of Origins https://www.facebook.com/iso.origins http://origins.case.edu/ Follow: @gstarkman -
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Cleveland http://www.iabccleveland.com/ Follow: @IABCCleveland
IT Martini www.itmartini.com Follow: @itmartini
IxDA Cleveland (Northeast Ohio) http://www.ixda.org/local/ixda-cleveland-northeast-ohio Follow: @ixdacleveland
Joomla!® User Group North East Ohio http://www.meetup.com/NEO-Joomla/ Follow: @gotmw
JumpStart, Inc. http://www.jumpstartinc.org/entrepreneursupport/events.aspx Follow: @JumpStartInc
Kids & Code Meetup http://www.meetup.com/Kids-Code-Meetup/ Follow: @DaveShah @sadukie -
Lake Erie Moose Society http://www.meetup.com/Lake-Erie-Moose-Society/ http://www.facebook.com/eriemoose Follow: @hacool
Launch League http://www.launchleague.org/ Follow: @LaunchLeague -
LeanDog, Inc.- Coming up @leandog http://www.leandog.com/events/ Follow: @leandog
Make on The Lake http://www.meetup.com/Make-on-the-Lake/ Follow: @leandog -
Makers' Alliance – Cleveland - Learn. Make. Grow. http://www.makersalliance.org/ http://www.meetup.com/MakersAlliance/ Follow: @MakersAlliance @sdh7 @jhgorse @csanyk @N0maD_OH
Mobile Monday Cleveland http://mobilemondaycleveland.com/ http://www.meetup.com/Mobile-Monday-Cleveland/ Follow: @MobileMondayCLE @Michele_Messina
MS Access/Excel Forum http://www.barbron.com/AccessSIG/
N.E.O. Small Business Internet Marketing http://www.meetup.com/NEO-SB-Internet-Marketing/ Follow: @MichaelMirth @BobRess
NEO Society for Technical Communication http://www.neostc.org/
NEOOUG - Great Lakes Oracle Conference http://www.meetup.com/NEOOUG-Great-Lakes-Oracle-Conference/
NEOSA, the COSE Technology Network http://NEOSA.org Follow: @NEOSA_Nellis @COSEsmallbiz
NorTech http://www.nortech.org/ Follow: @NorTech
North East Ohio WordPress Meetup http://www.meetup.com/NEOWordPress/ Follow: @brianlayman
Northeast Ohio (NEO) IT Think Tank! https://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2268461&home= Follow: @NEOITThinkTank
Northeast Ohio chapter of Business Marketing Association (BMA) http://www.marketing.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageID=5597 http://www.facebook.com/BMANEO Follow: @BMANEO
Northeast Ohio Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association http://neoissa.org/ -
Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum http://www.neoisf.org/ Follow: @NEOISF
Northeast Ohio ISSA Security Meetup Group http://neoissa.org/ http://www.meetup.com/NEO-ISSA/
Northeast Ohio PC Club http://www.neopc.org/
Northeast Ohio Scala Programmers http://www.meetup.com/neoscala/ Follow: @neoscala @relrod6
Northeast Ohio Software Quality Assurance Association @NOSQAA http://nosqaa.org/ Follow: @NOSQAA
Northeast Ohio Usability Professionals' Association (NEOUPA) http://www.uxpacleveland.org/ Follow: @NEOUPA
Ohio Blogging Association - #Cleveland http://www.facebook.com/ohblogging Follow: @OHBlogging @poiseinparma
Ohio Mobile Developers (Oh-Mo-Dev) http://www.meetup.com/OhMoDev/ Follow: @Anth0nyRussell @lancewmccarthy
Ohio North SQL Server User Group http://www.ohionorthsqlserverug.org/ Follow: @ONSSUG
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cleveland Follow: @owasp
OpenNEO http://openneo.org/ Follow: @openneo -
OSC Tech Lab http://www.meetup.com/Startup-Akron/ http://www.osctechlab.com/events.html Follow: @oscTechLab @n_petroski
PechaKucha Night Cleveland http://www.pecha-kucha.org/night/cleveland Follow: @PechaKuchaClev @mchristoff
PodCamp Cleveland http://www.podcampcleveland.com/ Follow: @PodCmpCleveland
Rosetta Tech Talks For now will be on http://www.eventbrite.com/ Follow: @RosettaMktg's #RosettaTechTalks
Rustbelt Refresh http://rustbeltrefresh.com/ Follow: @RustbeltRefresh @CWSA @bdielman @bradcolbow @bridgetstewart
SEA Change http://www.seachangeneo.org/ Follow: @SEAChangeNEO -
Shaker | LaunchHouse http://www.meetup.com/LaunchHouse/ Follow: @LaunchHouse @DarCaldwell @jrgifford @mimibuildwealth
Slideluck Potshow Cleveland http://www.facebook.com/SlideluckPotshowCLE
Small Business Accelerator Meetup http://www.meetup.com/Small-Business-Accelerator-Meetup/ -
Springboard http://www.springboardenterprises.org/builditbig/cleveland Follow: @SpringboardEnt
StartCLE https://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3688748 http://startcle.com/ Follow: @StartCLE @danyoungdxy
Stir Trek http://stirtrek.com/ Follow: @stirtrek
SunDown RunDown – Akron http://sundownrundown.org/akron.asp Follow: @SDRDorg
SYN/HAK, the Akron Hackerspace http://synhak.org/wiki/Main_Page http://www.meetup.com/synhak/ Follow: @SYNHAK @gsvolt
Tangent @ DXY www.meetup.com/DXY-Solutions-LLC/ https://www.facebook.com/DXYdoes/events
Tech Savvy Women https://www.facebook.com/techsavvywomen/events http://www.purposefulwoman.com/businesses/tech-savvy-women/ Follow: @JJDiGeronimo @janecalexander
TechLife NEO http://www.meetup.com/TechLifeNEO/ Follow: @bblanquera @consultski
TEDxAkron http://tedxakron.com/ Follow: @TEDxAkron
TEDxCLE http://www.tedxcle.com/ Follow: @TEDxCLE
The City Club http://www.cityclub.org/Programs/Upcoming/tabid/173/Default.aspx Follow: @TheCityClub
The Microsoft Store | Beachwood Place Mall http://www.meetup.com/Microsoft-Store-Beachwood-Place-Mall/
The National Robotics League http://gonrl.org/national-competitions/ Follow: @goNRL -
Using the Internet to Promote Your Local Business http://www.meetup.com/Using-the-Internet-to-Promote-Your-Local-Business/ Follow: @DustonMcGroarty
UX Akron http://www.meetup.com/UX-Akron/ Follow: @carologic
UXBookClub Cleveland http://uxbookclub.org/doku.php?id=cleveland Follow: @uxbookclub
We Can Code IT (Empowering Girls and Women in Technology) http://wecancodeit.org/home/schedule/ Follow: @WeCanCodeIT @MelKMcGee @ShanaInCle
Web Association http://www.webassociation.org/ Follow: @CLEWebAssoc
WebSigCleveland.org http://www.WebSigCleveland.org/ Follow: Me! @sos_jr Hashtag: #WebSigCLE
WordCamp North Canton http://northcanton.wordcamp.org/ Follow: @NorthCantonWC Hashtag for 2014: #WCNC2014
Working Women Connection - Cleveland East Chapter http://www.meetup.com/LaunchHouse/ https://www.facebook.com/clevelandeastwwc http://workingwomenconnection.com/teams/cleveland-east/ Follow: @WorkingWomeNC at @LaunchHouse via @KatieJConnelly
In the rush to get this list out, I know there are probably errors. If there are bad links, please feel free to let me know via Twitter at @sos_jr or in the comments below. Of more importance, if you know of a tech or social media meeting in our community that I should add to my list, please leave a comment below, so all can share in your knowledge.
Thank you to all. I'm looking forward to another year full of great possibilities!
Stuart O. Smith, Jr., M.N.O.
Web SIG Cleveland Leader - WebSigCleveland.org
Blogging at: sosAssociates.com
Follow me on: @sos_jr