
Rustbelt Refresh Web Design Conference

Rustbelt Refresh Web Design Conference

Writing about the May 3, 2013​, Rustbelt Refresh Conference is difficult, since there was so much interesting information shared at the meeting that it is impossible to include it all. It was the first Cleveland conference dedicated to web design and front-end development.

  • The Era of Intentional Layout
  • Responsive Layouts Beyond the Sidebar
  • Making Our Users Feel Great
  • HTTP: Get to Know the Foundations of Your Career
  • Finding Your Perfect Web Type Match
  • Take Your Markup to 11
  • Your CSS is a Mess


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Cleveland Tech, Entrepreneur & Social Media Meetings Tue 4/2 - Mon 4/15

Here are the Cleveland tech, entrepreneur & social media meetings I track for this week. Plus I since I will not have time next week to post to my blog, I have added some future meetings to this blog post. 

I also want to take this opportunity to ask you to mark your calendar, and let others know that the 4/20 presentation will be about Adobe Photoshop Elements.

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