Welcome to sosAssociates.com - - Promoting the Cleveland and Akron Areas, and More!

sosAssociates.com is an extension of my long time social media interests -- taking it beyond the 140 280 characters. Focus areas include:

  • Cleveland and Akron Cultural Events, Art, and Theatre
  • Parks and Trails
  • Cleveland and Akron Tech Meetings, Social Media Events, and Entrepreneur Groups
  • Website Design, Technology, and the Former WebSigCleveland.org

View the full blog listing here. 


"This is a Big Deal!" Open Access Artwork from Cleveland Museum of Art!
"This is a Big Deal!" Open Access Artwork from Cleveland Museum of Art!

Cleveland Museum of Art Open Access | "This is a Big Deal!" "Open Access means the public now has the ability to  share, collaborate, remix, and reuse images of many as 30,000 public-domain artworks from the CMA’s world-renowned collection of art for commercial and non-commercial purposes."

Return Visit - Cleveland Museum of Art's Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern and Renaissance Splendor: Catherine de’ Medici’s Valois Tapestries
Return Visit - Cleveland Museum of Art's Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern and Renaissance Splendor: Catherine de’ Medici’s Valois Tapestries

Return Visit - O’Keeffe & Valois Tapestries | On Friday, January 18, 2019, Stuart returned with Julie to show her Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern and Renaissance Splendor: Catherine de’ Medici’s Valois Tapestries. Visiting the Cleveland Museum of Art makes for a very enjoyable evening.

#NewYearsEve and #NewYearsDay 2019 #ThankYou
#NewYearsEve and #NewYearsDay 2019 #ThankYou

New Year 2019 - Thank You | We created this blog post to review some of the fun things we did in 2018. We have many people to thank for all the activities and events that we attended in 2018.

Cleveland GiveCamp 2018: Coding for Charity for Nine Years!
Cleveland GiveCamp 2018: Coding for Charity for Nine Years!

Cleveland GiveCamp 2018 | Cleveland GiveCamp 2018: Coding for Charity for Nine Years! The Smiths (Stuart, Kevin, and Mike) want to share with you tweets, photos, and information about Cleveland GiveCamp 2018.

Cleveland Museum of Art's Two Major Fall 2018 Exhibitions: Georgia O’Keeffe and Catherine de’ Medici’s Valois Tapestries
Cleveland Museum of Art's Two Major Fall 2018 Exhibitions: Georgia O’Keeffe and Catherine de’ Medici’s Valois Tapestries

Georgia O’Keeffe and Valois Tapestries | I was very fortunate to receive an email invitation to arrive early for Cleveland Museum of Art's Two Major Fall 2018 Exhibitions: "Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern" and "Renaissance Splendor: Catherine de’ Medici’s Valois Tapestries."

Start of the Cleveland Holiday Season! PlayhouseSquare Holidazzle - Cleveland Winterfest - TubaChristmas Cleveland
Start of the Cleveland Holiday Season! PlayhouseSquare Holidazzle - Cleveland Winterfest - TubaChristmas Cleveland

Start of the Cleveland Holiday Season! | Traditionally, on the weekend after Thanksgiving, Cleveland kicks off the holiday season! On Saturday and Sunday, November 24 and 25, 2018, we took part in some great holiday celebrations! PlayhouseSquare Holidazzle - Cleveland Winterfest - TubaChristmas Cleveland!

2018 Cleveland Public Library Mini Maker Faire Brings Together Makers and Creatives
2018 Cleveland Public Library Mini Maker Faire Brings Together Makers and Creatives

2018 Cleveland Mini Maker Faire | 2018 marks the sixth year for the Cleveland Public Library's Mini Maker Faire. I have written blog posts about three of the previous years' events. It was exciting that my sons had a booth this year, featuring their tabletop game, PerMUTATIONS.

Cleveland Foundation #CtrlAltCLE Convenes: Tech & Digital Equity/Blockchain for Social Good
Cleveland Foundation #CtrlAltCLE Convenes: Tech & Digital Equity/Blockchain for Social Good

CtrlAltCLE: Digital Equity/Blockchain | #CtrlAltCLE Convenes: Tech & Digital Equity meeting dealt with a topic that I am very interested in. I also attended a special #CtrlAltCLE blockchain training for nonprofits/government, and wrote about Lynda.com classes available FREE with your library card!

Hack Cleveland's #Fix216: Criminal Justice Reform Scope-A-Thon
Hack Cleveland's #Fix216: Criminal Justice Reform Scope-A-Thon

#Fix216: Criminal Justice Reform | #Fix216: Criminal Justice Reform Scope-A-Thon was a good time to learn about Hack Cleveland, and how to develop a social justice technology solution. I also learned about this year's Cleveland Foundation Creative Fusion artists.

High Arts Festival Akron 2018 Final Day and Finale Celebration
High Arts Festival Akron 2018 Final Day and Finale Celebration

High Arts Festival Akron 2018 | A BIG thank-you to Summit Artspace for reaching out and recommending I visit the Summit Artspace gallery as part of the High Arts Festival Akron 2018 finale celebration. The High Arts Festival has grown to not only include the Visual Arts, but also Music, Film, and the Literary Arts!

Cleveland IngenuityFest 2018: FuturePast
Cleveland IngenuityFest 2018: FuturePast

Cleveland IngenuityFest 2018: FuturePast | I continued my annual tradition of living the full IngenuityFest experience by attending all three days! Please share the information in this blog post with your friends. I enjoy attending this event every year, and want to encourage you to invite people who have not attended.

PechaKucha Night Cleveland Volume 32 at Sachsenheim Hall
PechaKucha Night Cleveland Volume 32 at Sachsenheim Hall

PechaKucha Night Cleveland Volume 32 | A change in plans allowed us both to attend PechaKucha Night Cleveland - Volume 32 at Sachsenheim Hall on Friday, September 28, 2018. We always enjoy both attending PechaKucha Night Cleveland events, and writing blog posts about them!!