Holiday Light Tour 2015

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Julie Smith
Stuart O. Smith, Jr.

GE Lighting's Nela Park National Christmas Tree
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The Smiths have a family tradition of driving to GE Lighting's Nela Park two weeks before Christmas to see their annual Christmas lights display. Of particular interest to us is seeing each year at Nela Park the replica of the National Christmas Tree (@TheNationalTree). We also enjoy discovering each year's decorating theme.

Cleveland Landmarks in Lights

This year, the Nela Park holiday lights display featured Cleveland landmarks. Therefore, on December 14, 2015, we decided to not only see GE Lighting's Nela Park, but also to see the holiday lighting at the landmarks themselves.

Please enjoy our holiday light photos and related tweets by scrolling down through our @sos_jr tweets and retweets:


National Christmas Tree - Washington, D.C.

To learn more about the National Christmas Tree, see the special website set up by the National Park Service (@NatlParkService) at:

On the website, you will learn that General Electric designed the lighting and decorations for the National Christmas Tree for the first time in 1963 -- 53 years ago! This began Cleveland's connection with the National Christmas Tree.

We have cued up the 2015 National Christmas Tree Lighting video to the moment where President Barack Obama (@BarackObama - @POTUS) counts down to the tree lighting in Washington, D.C.:

History of GE's Nela Park

You can learn more about GE Light's Nela Park on their history web page. "In 1975 the 92 acre Nela Park was listed as a Historic Place in the US Department of the Interior's National Register."

Here is the video "Greetings from Nela Park - 100 Years of Light and Leadership | GE Lighting" from their history web page:

GE Lighting's global headquarters, Nela Park, celebrated its 100th anniversary on April 18, 2013.


Lighting History Made at Nela Park

1913: Nela Park founded
1919: Tipless bulbs perfected
1930: Photo flash lamps introduced
1933: High efficiency sodium vapor lamps introduced
1935: First Major League Baseball night game played under GE lamps
1941: GE receives patent for fluorescent lamps
1945: Fluorescent lamps brought to the market
1954: All-weather headlamps introduced
1975: Flip flash developed for Kodak film
1986: GE sodium vapor lamps light the Statue of Liberty
1989: Halogen Infra-Red Reflecting Lamp (HIR) introduced
1991: ConstantColor® PreciseTM introduced
Early 2000s: New and improved T8 system created
2001: Reveal® product line introduced