Mtgs I track this wk: Mon 4/2-Mon 4/9

Blog Date
Stuart O. Smith, Jr.

Windows 8, SQL Server, YouTube, WordPress, Drupal, GIMP, Blogger, Python and more!

Don't think this is a joke on the first day of April 2012. There really are 15 meetings/events that I track this week!

Those that follow me on Twitter over the summer know that I also like to promote special summer cultural events such as the Cleveland Shakespeare Festival (@CleveShakesFest).  Their success of bringing free Shakespeare to all parts or our community is something that we should be proud of in Greater Cleveland. I heard last month that they are now trying something new -- a monthly Cleveland "Open Mic Shakespeare" -- which I am pleased to promote here. 

Meeting topics this week include:  Windows 8, SQL Server, YouTube, WordPress, Drupal, GIMP, Blogger, Python and more!

I have been doing weekly Sunday or Monday night weekly promotional tweets since October 1, 2009, and started this blog on March 8th of this year for those that are not on Twitter. If you are on Twitter, you can follow me at: sos_jr