The INITIAL public comment period to the FCC has been extended to Friday, July 18, 2014. If you have not submitted your comment yet, and it is before July 19th -- what are you waiting for?
.@sos_jr 2 contact re: #netneutrality, file comments in our electronic comment filing system online or send email
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
7/18 is new deadline to submit initial comments on #NetNeutrality. To submit comments go to & click Proceeding #14-28
— The FCC (@FCC) July 16, 2014
If you are reading this blog after Friday, July 18th, then I recommend following the @FCC, @TomWheelerFCC, and @GigiBSohnFCC on Twitter, and watching the website for details. There will be opportunities for additional comments up to September 10, 2014, per...
.@sos_jr next we are taking reply comments up until 9/10 & then we reads all & start 2 figure out our course. #netneutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
Email to
Here is the email I sent to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler(@TomWheelerFCC) regarding net neutrality on July 17, 2014. The FCC set up the special email address of, which is what I used today. Americans can also submit comments to the FCC online for Proceeding 14-28 "Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet" at:
From: Stuart O. Smith, Jr.
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 6:28:20 PM EDT
Subject: Please Support Net Neutrality
Dear Chairman Tom Wheeler:
Thank you for setting up this email address to hear from Americans about the important issue of net neutrality. I believe that the support of net neutrality is an important issue, and plan to send a paper copy of this email to President Barack Obama, my Senators (Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman) , and my Congresswoman (Marcia Fudge), with a note asking them to support you in taking action to have the Federal Communications Commission reclaim its authority to enforce net neutrality rules. It is my understanding that the courts have stated that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has the ability to reclassify Internet service providers as common carriers. Please make this happen, and use that authority to enforce net neutrality in the United States.
Net neutrality is important for many reasons, of which I know you are aware, but for the purpose of this official submittal to the FCC, I want to mention these three:
I look forward to this issue being resolved this fall after the public comment period. To be honest, I am very surprised that the FCC is even debating net neutrality. It seems to me that net neutrality should be something that the FCC would be pushing for all along. Please do the right thing for our country and make this happen. I will be sharing this letter and other resources in a blog post on my website. Any materials from the FCC or the politicians listed will also be shared in a blog post.
- Entrepreneurship - I am from the Cleveland area, and hear a lot about the brain gain of new entrepreneurs in our region. If old, established businesses can buy faster access to consumers on the Internet, I am concerned that this will effectively cut out new entrepreneurs' ability to reach their customers. Blocking new business growth would be bad for our region and our country. I see on the FCC "What We Do" web page that that one of the purposes of the FCC is "Supporting the nation's economy by ensuring an appropriate competitive framework for the unfolding of the communications revolution" -- I believe that FCC support of net neutrality is the best way to support our nation's economy.
- Free Speech - The Internet has historically enhanced our country's freedom of speech by giving more people access to share their views, and to hear the views of others. Without net neutrality, those that provide access to the Internet would have control over the speed at which these different views are seen on websites. As a blogger, and having blogger friends in our community, I support a system where our readers have equal access to what we write.
- Double Dipping - As a consumer who pays an Internet service provider for access to the Internet, I don't think it is fair to make both the consumer pay for access, and also to make providers of content pay a premium to reach those consumers faster. What I pay should give me equal access to all Internet resources. It is well known that the citizens of the United States already pay more than citizens of other developed countries, and get slower speeds. It is my understanding that current Internet service providers are already making a massive profit, and are doing a very poor job of reinvesting to provide better service.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Stuart O. Smith, Jr., M.N.O.
Web SIG Cleveland Leader -
Blogging at:
Follow me at:
Confirmation email...
Received @FCC confirmation that they received comments regarding #NetNeutrality. I will post blog tonight w/ details.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 17, 2014
Thank you
Before looking at the tweets of resources, I want to mention the following, which will give a frame of reference for some of the tweets....
I want to thank Special Counsel for External Affairs, Office of the Chairman, Federal Communications Commission Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) for the May 13, 2014 (see details here), and July 14, 2014 (see details here), Twitter chats about net neutrality. I appreciate your taking the time to answer people's questions on this important issue.
I want to thank the staff of OneCommunity (@OneCommunity) and their board member Joanne Hovis (@JoanneHovis). To the staff, thank you for knowing of my interest in the topic of net neutrality and inviting me to your June 10, 2014, talk on net neutrality at your office. Thank you to Joanne Hovis for leading the talk, and sharing with us what is happening in our nation's capital and how it relates to what is happening in Cleveland.
I was glad to see other people in my community mentioning the importance of net neutrality (see tweets below), but I think special note should be made of @OneCommunity who has shown real leadership on this issue.
Tweets & Retweets
There has been so much information on both sides of the net neutrality issue that I recommend you go and find out more for yourself! On Twitter, be sure and see the #NetNeutrality hashtag.
What follows are the tweets and retweets that I have done since I started following this issue in early May 2014. I hope you find some of the listed resources useful, and find the debate on this issue interesting. As I wrote to Chairman Wheeler, I'm amazed that the issue of net neutrality is even being debated. To me there is no debate -- we must have net neutrality!
Please share any of these tweets that have information you find useful/interesting. Feel free to leave comments on this blog post below regarding this issue.
Web host gives FCC a 28.8Kbps slow lane in net neutrality protest | Ars Technica
— Nick (@osctechlab) May 9, 2014
.@osctechlab thx for sharing story. I hope everyone retweets the story & contacts the @FCC to stop messing around
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 9, 2014
@sos_jr @FCC np, hopefully they'll take notice of how horrid this would be
— Nick (@osctechlab) May 9, 2014
Complaints About Net Neutrality Flooding @FCC Email complaints about net neutrality plan to:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 10, 2014
On 5/13 from 2-3PM ET there will be a @Twitter chat with @GigiBSohnFCC on #FCCNetNeutrality, review details:
— The FCC (@FCC) May 12, 2014
Net-Neutrality Plan by @FCC in Chaos: via @samgustin @TIME #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 13, 2014
"Net Neutrality: @FCC Boss Smacked by Tech Giants, Internal Dissent" via @samgustin @TIME. #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 13, 2014
Interested in #FCCNetNeutrality? See @WhiteHouse petition: "Prevent the @FCC from ruining the Internet"
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 13, 2014
Today from 2-3PM ET there will be a @Twitter chat with @GigiBSohnFCC on #FCCNetNeutrality, review details:
— The FCC (@FCC) May 13, 2014
MT @GigiBSohnFCC: Join me 2-3ET 4 a Twitter chat about @FCC's vote on proposed #netneutrality rules #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 13, 2014
Twitter chat w/ @GigiBSohnFCC is starting in 30mins! Follow along & submit questions using #FCCNetNeutrality. Details
— The FCC (@FCC) May 13, 2014
Twitter chat with @GigiBSohnFCC is starting now! Follow along & submit questions using #FCCNetNeutrality. Details:
— The FCC (@FCC) May 13, 2014
If interested in #FCCNetNeutrality, U should see @WhiteHouse petition: "Prevent the @FCC from ruining the Internet"
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 13, 2014
.@daddygorak Public will have 60 days 2 comment & another nearly 60 for reply comments if proposal is adopted on Thurs #FCCNetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
#FCCNetNeutrality Why do the links to this hashtag on the FCC's website go to #GirlsTechDay?
— Wesley Ault (@atoj7) May 13, 2014
We're about 2/3ds done here - please send your questions! #FCC NetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
#FCCNetNeutrality How can you help? Follow these simple steps. Seriously. A few mins of your time helps saves the net
— April (@octipuff) May 13, 2014
We're 1/2 way through the Twitter chat! Please send your questions on #FCCNetNeutrality to @GigiBSohnFCC!
— The FCC (@FCC) May 13, 2014
.@womenactmedia If proposal adopted on Thurs, formal comments go through Sept. Decision hopefully by year's end. #FCCNetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
.@rskidd18 @FCC's job is absolutely 2 protect public's best interests. That's why we r proposing rules 2 protect open net #FCCNetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
Well said-> RT @sos_jr @FCC Kudos to my sibling in IT for their hard work. Hopefully they don't get sacrificed for the gaf.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 13, 2014
.@rakaplan: the proposal includes both wireline & wireless & asks whether we should change wireless rules. #FCCNetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
.@rakaplan: the proposal includes both wireline & wireless & asks whether we should change wireless rules. #FCCNetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
.@spiffymego Chairman wants 2 ensure all Americans can get unfettered access 2 the content & application they want. #FCCNetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
.@zynhax thx for posting #FCCNetNeutrality video. Worth sharing:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 13, 2014
.@womenactmedia: @FCC staff will read all comments submitted & consider them in making its final decision. #FCCNetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
Thanks for the chat folks! Remember, this is the start of a process, & we welcome your input. #FCCNetNeutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) May 13, 2014
Regarding #FCCNetNeutrality, plz also let the @WhiteHouse know your views. See petition about @FCC & Internet at:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 13, 2014
#FCCNetNeutrality Twitter chat with @GigiBSohnFCC has concluded. Thanks for submitting all of your questions, we welcome your input.
— The FCC (@FCC) May 13, 2014
Alexis Ohanian (Reddit) puts PSA net neutrality ads around DC ahead of FCC vote via @verge #FCCNetNeutrality
— Lev Gonick (@levgonick) May 13, 2014
FCC unveils controversial net neutrality proposal #netneutrality
— Amy Schatz (@Amy_Schatz) May 15, 2014
#FCCNetNeutrality proposal passes in a 3-2 vote. NPRM adopted doesn't authorize, it asks whether paid prioritization should be banned.
— The FCC (@FCC) May 15, 2014
The FCC just silenced the next Einstein: @WhiteHouse, remember this? #NetNeutrality
— Will Kessel (@collisionbend) May 15, 2014
"The 6 things you need to know about today's FCC proposal on net neutrality"
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 16, 2014
This is the start of the process. Please review the proposal and weigh in: #FCCNetNeutrality
— The FCC (@FCC) May 15, 2014
This is the beginning of the process. Your input will help shape the final proposals. #FCCNetNeutrality
— Tom Wheeler (@TomWheelerFCC) May 15, 2014
Plz retweet this about #FCCNetNeutrality RT @nytimes: How net neutrality works
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 16, 2014
.@levgonick thx for your good work getting the word out in #Cleveland about how decisions by @TomWheelerFCC @FCC impact us!#FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 16, 2014
RT @reddit: We support #NetNeutrality and call on the @FCC to ensure companies large and small have equal access to the Internet
— OneCommunity (@OneCommunity) May 14, 2014
How Network Neutrality Can Work In Northeast Ohio #fccnetneutrality #netneutrality @tomwheelerfcc @gigisohnfcc
— Lev Gonick (@levgonick) May 14, 2014
How does net neutrality impact NE Ohio? CEO Lev Gonick's take. #OneCommunity #LevGonick
— OneCommunity (@OneCommunity) May 14, 2014
What U need to know about @FCC's #FCCNetNeutrality proposal about #NetNeutrality via @TheNextWeb.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 16, 2014
We want to hear from you on #NetNeutrality. Submit initial comments on proposal by 7/15. Reply comments due 9/10
— The FCC (@FCC) May 16, 2014
Have U read @nytimes article? -> @FCC Backs Opening #NetNeutrality Rules for Debate #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 16, 2014
Via @WIRED: @FCC Proves Yet Again That It's Out to Kill #NetNeutrality #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 16, 2014
Via @Mashable: @FCC Advances Controversial Proposal on #NetNeutrality #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 16, 2014
How to Fight the Battle for #NetNeutrality via @Gizmodo
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 18, 2014
5/11 @PCMag video: @FCC & #NetNeutrality could change Internet as we know it; Possible Gmail change; Drone near miss
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 18, 2014
A/C is source of large % of summer electrical use. Should electric utilities charge a/c mfgrs for that usage spike? #netneutrality
— Morris Wheeler (@mowheeler) May 17, 2014
LISTEN UP. How Much Do You Trust The FCC? The Internet Might Depend On It by @mashable #tech @umanoapp
— Mari Blaustein (@MariBlaustein) May 17, 2014
Thx @benWoz for this #NetNeutrality story. I hope everyone contacts @FCC & @WhiteHouse about it! #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 21, 2014
Thx @4debbiekennedy for the retweet about contacting the @FCC #FCCNetNeutrality & @WhiteHouse about #NetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 22, 2014
Strange-> "This Is Why Apple Doesn't Care If The @FCC Wrecks The Internet" #NetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 22, 2014
.@benWoz I wish everyone I knew was contacting the @FCC & @WhiteHouse about #NetNeutrality, but many more need to comment! #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 23, 2014
@sos_jr @FCC @WhiteHouse #NetNeutrality is arguably the biggest civil rights & free speech issue of our day.
— Ben Woznicki (@benWoz) May 23, 2014
To @FCC #FCCNetNeutrality & @WhiteHouse -> Why #NetNeutrality Matters to #HigherEd & other #NonProfit via @Chronicle
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) May 27, 2014
Read & retweet-> @iamjohnoliver's #NetNeutrality response swamps @FCC #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 5, 2014
6/10 #Cleveland #NetNeutrality talk by @joannehovis of @ctc_technology at @OneCommunity
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 7, 2014
Tue 6/10 4:30PM #Cleveland #NetNeutrality talk by @joannehovis of @ctc_technology at @OneCommunity #fccNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 10, 2014
Must view, must share, must mobilize. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) on Net Neutrality: #FCCNetNeutrality
— Lev Gonick (@levgonick) June 2, 2014
Attending #Cleveland #NetNeutrality talk by @joannehovis of @ctc_technology at @OneCommunity
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 10, 2014
Start #Cleveland #NetNeutrality mtg at @OneCommunity look at impact of @iamjohnoliver's video:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 10, 2014
If we want #NetNeutrality it will be up to the public to tell @FCC, Congress, @WhiteHouse via @joannehovis at @OneCommunity It is up to us
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 10, 2014
Asked at @OneCommunity #NetNeutrality mtg: Do we want USA to be like countries where Internet controlled by others? #FCCNetNeutrality
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 10, 2014
Cable companies are making 90% profit on data but spending very little to improve service. Hear at @OneCommunity #NetNeutrality mtg.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 10, 2014
Nearly 150 #tech companies in protest of @FCC #NetNeutrality plan: via @washingtonpost
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) June 10, 2014
Don't mess w/ #NetNeutrality @FCC! 11universities/libraries release principles via @Chronicle
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 11, 2014
We've received about 647k #netneutrality comments so far. Keep your input coming -- 1st round of comments wraps up July 15.
— Tom Wheeler (@TomWheelerFCC) July 11, 2014
Tell the @FCC why #NetNeutrality is important to you - comment deadline is 7/15: via @freepress
— Daniel Ayala (@buddhake) July 9, 2014
Did you miss @GigibSohnFCC's first Twitter chat on #netneutrality? Ask her your questions Monday at 2 p.m. ET
— The FCC (@FCC) July 11, 2014
Tuesday 7/15 is initial public deadline to give @FCC your input about #NetNeutrality. Let your voice be heard:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 13, 2014
Ask your #NetNeutrality questions of @FCC tomorrow at Twitter chat with @GigiBSohnFCC on Monday 7/14:
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 13, 2014
I'll be taking to #Twitter again on Mon 2-3 PM ET to answer your #netneutrality questions.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 12, 2014
ICYMI: initial comments due 7/15 on #NetNeutrality proposal. To submit comments go to & then click Proceeding #14-28
— The FCC (@FCC) July 10, 2014
I'm here at #Twitter HQ NY (in the lobby) and ready 2 take your #NetNeutrality questions!
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
Reminder that initial comments in the @FCC's #netneutrality proceeding are due no later than 11:59PM tomorrow, Tues. June 15.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
.@GigiBSohnFCC since Tue 7/15 is deadline for initial comments to @FCC about #NetNeutrality, how best should the public contact U in future?
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 14, 2014
.@GigiBSohnFCC what are the next steps after the Tue 7/15 is deadline for initial comments to @FCC about #NetNeutrality?
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 14, 2014
.@sos_jr 2 contact re: #netneutrality, file comments in our electronic comment filing system online or send email
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
.@sos_jr next we are taking reply comments up until 9/10 & then we reads all & start 2 figure out our course. #netneutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
Twitter chat with @GigiBSohnFCC has begun! Follow along & submit your questions using #NetNeutrality. Details:
— The FCC (@FCC) July 14, 2014
.@_edyael_ Yes, all #netneutrality comments sent to will be placed into the official record of the proceeding.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
.@craignewmark @FCC is proposing 2 reinstate #netneutrality rules struck down because the court said that ISPs have incentive 2 discriminate
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
.@hbuskirk We're hoping commenters will put things on the record we haven't heard before. Things have changed since 2010. #netneutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
To be clear *initial* #netneutrality comments are due tomorrow. There will be another round - reply comments, due Sept. 10.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
.@fredcampbelljr .@FCC is asking in #netneutrality what the effect of its proposed rules would be on small start-ups everywhere.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
.@BenMoncrief #netneutrality rules seek to ensure that consumers have access to all the content, apps & services they want on any ISP.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
@digiphile @pd_w @FCC Update: FCC has received approximately 677,000 comments on #NetNeutrality so far. Includes comments to docket + email
— Kim Hart (@khart) July 14, 2014
I found @GigiBSohnFCC and @khart at #TwitterNYC! Talkin' #NetNeutrality...
— Will Carty (@WRDCarty) July 14, 2014
MT "@GigiBSohnFCC: To be clear *initial* #netneutrality comments are due tomorrow. There will be another round-reply comments, due 9/10/14"
— The FCC (@FCC) July 14, 2014
.@RoslynLayton Believe it or not, every single #netneutrality comment will be read by @FCC staff. Staff will sort & summarize.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
Seeing #Twitter traffic, I must emphasize again that after tomorrow, there will be another nearly 2 months to file #netneutrality replies.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
.@voqal Chairman & his staff has done & will do a number of #netneutrality public events 2 allow substantial opportunity for public input.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
Six minutes to go folks. Send your final #netneutrality questions here!
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
.@LCrenshaw @FCC is specifically seeking comment on whether 2 extend full #netneutrality rules 2 mobile broadband internet access.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
CORRECTION - in a previous tweet, I gave the wrong email address for comments. It's Thanks @fcc_cio! #netneutrality
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
Thanks everyone for your questions and @FCC looks forward to your continued feedback on #netneutrality & other critical issues.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 14, 2014
Tomorrow is deadline to submit initial comments on #NetNeutrality. To submit comments go to & click Proceeding #14-28
— The FCC (@FCC) July 14, 2014
You can also submit #netneutrality comments to All emails will be considered seriously as part of the proceeding.
— The FCC (@FCC) July 15, 2014
Your #NetNeutrality comments here: RT @FCC: FCC Extends Open Internet Comment Period Until Friday July 18 at Midnight
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 15, 2014
Submit #NetNeutrality comments to All emails will be considered as part of the proceeding.
— The FCC (@FCC) July 15, 2014
Here's @FCC official press release announcing #netneutrality comment deadline extension. Public notice 2 come soon.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 15, 2014
Read how @FCC extends #netNeutrality comment deadline after 'overwhelming' traffic
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 16, 2014
As FCC extends deadline for public comment on net neutrality @OneCommunity submits filing #netneutrality
— Lev Gonick (@levgonick) July 15, 2014
"A Threat to #Internet #Freedom" via @nytimes @FCC extends deadline #NetNeutrality comment
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 16, 2014
#NetNeutrality: @Netflix to @FCC: reclassify @Comcast & @Verizon so they can't choke the #Internet via @gigaom
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) July 17, 2014
Total #netneutrality comments now exceed 900,000 & yes, are the most ever 4 @FCC rulemaking. Evidence of enormous public interest.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 16, 2014
Cable's trying to end #netneutrality & break the Internet for profit. 36 hours left to stop em
— Tim Berners-Lee (@timberners_lee) July 15, 2014
You can submit #NetNeutrality comments to All emails will be considered as part of the proceeding.
— The FCC (@FCC) July 16, 2014
7/18 is new deadline to submit initial comments on #NetNeutrality. To submit comments go to & click Proceeding #14-28
— The FCC (@FCC) July 16, 2014
If you missed @GigibSohnFCC's #NetNeutrality chat on Monday, here's the summary of the conversation: via @storify
— The FCC (@FCC) July 16, 2014
Specifically, as of noon, 1,030,000 #NetNeutrality comments have been filed at @FCC.
— Gigi Sohn (@GigiBSohnFCC) July 17, 2014
Update: Gigi Sohn in CLE & More FCC Info
Submitted by Stuart Smith on Thu, 08/14/2014 - 22:00

Stuart O. Smith, Jr., MNO
Blogging at:
Former Cleveland GiveCamp Steering Committee:
Former Web SIG Cleveland Leader:
Two updates to this blog post.
First, I am glad to report that Gigi B. Sohn, Special Counsel to the Chairman of the FCC for External Affairs, will be speaking in Cleveland!
She will be given the Broadband Hero Award at the OneCommunity annual meeting, and will deliver the keynote address. The event will take place on Wednesday, September 10, 2014, at 4:00 pm. RSVP by September 1st online here, and click here for more information about Gigi Sohn.
Secondly, as we approach September, here is some more information regarding comments to the @FCC regarding #NetNeutrality: