Weekends and weekdays -- we have found that there is so much going on in Cleveland! We want to share with you here two events that we attended last weekend.
The first event, attended by Julie and Stuart, PechaKucha Cleveland (@PKNCLE), was something we have enjoyed many times in the past. Knowing the history of the location, The City Club (@TheCityClub), added an interesting dimension.
The second event, attended by Julie, Kevin, and Stuart, was a gift to the community from the The Cleveland Foundation (@CleveFoundation) as part of their 100th birthday celebration -- a free day at the Great Lakes Science Center (@GLScienceCtr).
We were originally planning to publish this as one blog post about both events, but have now decided to wait until Monday to post the Cleveland Foundation section for two reasons. First, and most importantly, the Cleveland Foundation is scheduled to make a big announcement about their next big event on Monday. Secondly, as we pulled together the content, we discovered that there was so much to share that it warranted two posts.
UPDATE 3/3/14: Here is the link to the SECOND installment - FREE! Great Lakes Science Center - which includes the big "Cleveland Foundation Day at Downtown Festivals" announcement...
Here is the first installment about PechaKucha Cleveland...
PechaKucha Cleveland at The City Club
Upon arriving on Friday, February 21, 2014, at The City Club, Stuart was told by PechaKucha Cleveland organizers that about 430 people were signed up to attend this free event. The City Club had even set up a second room to handle the overflow crowd, where the talks were being shown on monitors. The City Club catering provided refreshments, and sold hot dogs.
The art of concise presentations. PechaKucha Night, now in over 700 cities, was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.
If you have never attended a PechaKucha 20x20 event, you are missing a great treat. It is a presentation format where, for each speaker, 20 images are shown, each for 20 seconds. We know that it sounds so simple, but the PechaKucha Cleveland leadership team pulls together some very positive Clevelanders who bring great life to the evening. To learn more, please read the PechaKucha 20x20 FAQ web page on the international website.
Speakers list:
Dan Moulthrop (@DanMoulthrop), Chief Executive Officer, The City Club (@TheCityClub)
Joan Southgate, Founder, Restore Cleveland HOPE (@InTheirPath2009)
Jen Souers Chevraux (@JSouersChevraux) presenting on the work of Intermuseum Conservation Association (@ICAconservation)
Dr. Brandy Schillace (@BSchillace), Research Associate and Guest Curator, Dittrick Museum of Medical History (@CWRU's @DittrickMuseum ) speaking about the history of birth
Seph Lawless (@seph_lawless), an anonymous artist at: SephLawless.com
Sheila M. Wright, Executive Director, NAACP Cleveland (@CleveNaacp)
Fred Geis (@FredGeis), Geis Companies in Cleveland speaking on "My American Dream"
Alex Leslie, Director of Prevention and Outreach Programs, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center (@ClevelandRCC)
Arin Miller-Tait, Educator, Teaching Cleveland (@TeachCLE)
Christina Vassallo, Executive Director, Spaces (@SpacesGallery) - Random Notes on Collectivity: Moments of Insane Cuteness, Cultural Accountability, Radical Reclamation, and Shared Decision-Making
Thank you to Dan Moulthrop (@DanMoulthrop) of The City Club of Cleveland for allowing us to share their City Club PechaKucha Night Facebook photos here:
Tweets #PKNCLE21
Particularly for this event, you must see these Tweets. Many include photos from the event. We included many people's tweets, since they give a great overview of the event.
Innovative presenters in a historic venue. Win-Win! MT @PKNCLE Finalized plans for Fri night @TheCityClub! #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/Vvc2mgOXOm
— John G Lynch (@JohnGLynch) February 21, 2014
Ohh @PKNCLE we at so ready for you @TheCityClub #cle #happyincle pic.twitter.com/PhElOw8BvF
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 21, 2014
Getting even better @PKNCLE pic.twitter.com/1lk9qCnSC7
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 21, 2014
The place to be tonight in #cle, apparently. @PKNCLE @TheCityClub woot!! pic.twitter.com/eg4lWBcwP8
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 22, 2014
#DESIGNHAPPY joint design association happy hour is about to begin! Then it's #PKNCLE21 time! @aiacleveland @PKNCLE http://t.co/7cs9KZ00jy
— Michael Christoff (@mchristoff) February 21, 2014
Getting set for #PKNCLE21 @thecityclub! Come on down if you don't have tix; we'll see what we can do... pic.twitter.com/EtB5xYYzfg
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 21, 2014
Doors are open, come on in! #PKNCLE21 @thecityclub @pkncle pic.twitter.com/WxhMGgrq0F
— Michael Christoff (@mchristoff) February 21, 2014
"Citadel of Free Speech" @TheCityClub combined w/ Pecha Kucha #Cleveland @PKNCLE http://t.co/SS5Hxkse5D #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/C5LBsPihhC
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Checking out @TheCityClub Hall Of Fame before @PKNCLE. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/mCwFCBcR40
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Before @PKNCLE see famous ppl photos at @TheCityClub. I worked w/ 1 person & went to High School w/ 1. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/q55FJznxuA
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
430 ppl at @TheCityClub tonight for @PKNCLE http://t.co/gBVA4IAVlu https://t.co/mAxI8IHRIh #PKNCLE21 #HappyInCLE pic.twitter.com/DnoBCHd1Ap
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
#PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/VRR3hhRAUZ
— David Sabol (@Dave_Sabol) February 22, 2014
My #CBB2014 classmate & friend @mchristoff kicks off @PKNCLE #PKNCLE21 at the historic @TheCityClub! #Cleveland pic.twitter.com/mJzPTnJFGQ
— John G Lynch (@JohnGLynch) February 22, 2014
PechaKucha !! #PKNCLE21
— Lauren Wiant (@LKCleveland) February 22, 2014
Kick off by @mchristoff of 21st @PKNCLE at @TheCityClub http://t.co/rb8r1ijcIv https://t.co/XF3msW8NW9 #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/JA4uHlq0wk
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
@TheCityClub CEO @danmoulthrop talks about the importance of open, inclusive civic dialogue in #Cleveland. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/qI2t8yZLg2
— John G Lynch (@JohnGLynch) February 22, 2014
Dan Moulthrop, CEO of @thecityclub. Our first speaker of the night! pic.twitter.com/GgprIR3ZBX
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
Tonight @DanMoulthrop CEO of @TheCityClub starts @PKNCLE http://t.co/eEiK4OXU8Q https://t.co/mAxI8IHRIh #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/qz7vSI4i40
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
If anyone didn't know @danmoulthrop was awesome it is confirmed with his #pkncle21 presentation
— Cynthia Boncella (@bonchy) February 22, 2014
The City Club: the only place in the world where you'll see a picture of Cesar Chavez next to one of Oliver North. - @danmoulthrop #PKNCLE21
— John G Lynch (@JohnGLynch) February 22, 2014
Joan Southgate, taking us through Cleveland's history in the Underground Railroad @thecityclub pic.twitter.com/pxSvrPluLW
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
Joan Southgate, a #cle #hero, talks abt Restore Cleveland Hope and Underground Railroad. #PKNCLE21#cityclub pic.twitter.com/vhn85rKkz0
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 22, 2014
Joan Southgate talks about #Cleveland's anti-slavery history and her efforts with Restore Cleveland's Hope. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/L9WvlmfvMV
— John G Lynch (@JohnGLynch) February 22, 2014
Joan Southgate of Restore #Cleveland HOPE @InTheirPath2009 at @TheCityClub @PKNCLE http://t.co/F0HaadtJv0 #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/S2LK0Mhcw2
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Jennifer Souers Chevraux from ICA in Hingetown. pic.twitter.com/vizAeVCfPx
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
Learning about @ICAconservation at @TheCityClub's @PKNCLE night. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/t6vgZZ5QrY
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Dr. Brandy Schillace talking about the history of birth! @the cityclub #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/WFmV58ptze
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
PechaKucha 21 #Cleveland #PKNCLE21 (at @TheCityClub of Cleveland w/ 2 others) http://t.co/MH3gT7SUBH
— Young Park (@helloyoungpark) February 22, 2014
At @PKNCLE: @BSchillace of @CWRU's @DittrickMuseum talk on history of birth at @TheCityClub. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/9bcTaPNtOd
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
If this presentation was part of sex ed, teen pregnancy would immediately end. #PKNCLE21
— Katie Connelly (@KatieJConnelly) February 22, 2014
Seph Lawless, an anonymous artist, presents on an Autopsy of America #PKNCLE21 @thecityclub pic.twitter.com/JTlFJJCaY2
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
#emptystage sephlawless delivers a #bomb to #pkncle21. Excellent presentation and great challenge to… http://t.co/UxIUdmhk9Q
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 22, 2014
Seph Lawless, Artist in #Cleveland @PKNCLE talk http://t.co/OztBfcEiBJ at @TheCityClub #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/ejoW729Rta
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
#emptystage sephlawless delivers a #bomb to #pkncle21. Excellent presentation and great challenge to… http://t.co/UxIUdmhk9Q
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 22, 2014
Announced at #PKNCLE21 by @MChristoff is NEW "Power of Pecha Kucha" #Cleveland program by @PKNCLE. Watch for details pic.twitter.com/67mzat0GNv
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Inspired stories told at #PKNCLE21 tonight. pic.twitter.com/LF0HeiqJuE
— Told (@toldCLE) February 22, 2014
Sheila Wright, bringing us back from the break and talking about the NAACP #PKNCLE21 @thecityclub pic.twitter.com/fgGgVtwQsP
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
At @PKNCLE, hear from Executive Dir #NAACP #Cleveland @CleveNaacp http://t.co/WJvppZJZPT at @TheCityClub #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/hDxd0WSO5G
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
#fredgeis #pkncle21 http://t.co/41rNrGzcow
— TEDxCLE (@TEDxCLE) February 22, 2014
The man the myth the legend @fredgeis on reclaiming the American Dream by strengthening #CLE's urban core. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/9s3DlfERLU
— John G Lynch (@JohnGLynch) February 22, 2014
At @PKNCLE, learn from @FredGeis ideas improve #Cleveland community http://t.co/lnwGsmavsB TheCityClub #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/1gRyHOdbGQ
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Hear about #Cleveland Rape Crisis Center @ClevelandRCC at @TheCityClub @PKNCLE. http://t.co/m9LrTvxNlm #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/92OY1eTvJl
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Alex Leslie, bringing hope to the crowd. #PKNCLE21 @thecityclub pic.twitter.com/8sveICRRRd
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
Arin Miller-Tait educating students on Cleveland's history. #PKNCLE21 @thecityclub pic.twitter.com/55KgDDUDaj
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
Presentation at @PKNCLE by Arin Miller-Tait, Educator from @TeachCLE at @TheCityClub. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/MG3JiRdca3
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Christina Vassaallo, the newest resident of Cleveland and SPACES Executive Director #PKNCLE21 @thecityclub pic.twitter.com/jc7VZ7h2ta
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 22, 2014
Loving the presentation at #PKNCLE21 by the new director of @spacesgallery #cityclub @PKNCLE pic.twitter.com/Md5xHLbtEa
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 22, 2014
Christina Vassallo, new ED of @spacesgallery saying the constant influx of new ideas enables collaboration #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/dcBodveSN4
— John G Lynch (@JohnGLynch) February 22, 2014
New to #Cleveland! Welcome Christina Vassallo, Executive Director @SpacesGallery at @TheCityClub's @PKNCLE #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/geEoHOhtLU
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Amazing PechaKucha tonight at The City Club. #PKNCLE21 thecityclub. http://t.co/yTJn0OYcF2
— Andrew Singer (@AESinger10) February 22, 2014
@joecimperman @PKNCLE @TheCityClub #wishyouwerehere
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 22, 2014
Such good work. "@PKNCLE: Alex Leslie, bringing hope to the crowd. #PKNCLE21 @thecityclub pic.twitter.com/YYIRE7eXiU"
— Peter Debelak (@PeterDebelak) February 22, 2014
Congrats #PKNCLE21 presenters & thx to @PKNCLE sponsors. Very well done event at @TheCityClub tonight. #HappyInCLE pic.twitter.com/HGJW5hmjLj
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
.@danmoulthrop good talking to U at the @PKNCLE event tonight. Thx for sharing with me information about @TheCityClub. #PKNCLE21
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Inspired night at #PKNCLE21 Would love to bring that format to a high school setting.
— David Sabol (@Dave_Sabol) February 22, 2014
@sos_jr Thanks for sending out this pic from tonight's #PKNCLE21 I loved sharing @ICAconservation's work w/ the hometown crowd.
— Jen Souers Chevraux (@JSouersChevraux) February 22, 2014
.@JSouersChevraux U R most welcome. I looked at @ICAconservation website earlier today. Interested to learn of its work in #CLE. #PKNCLE21
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) February 22, 2014
Thanks to @TheCityClub @danmoulthrop for hosting & of course to @mchristoff: #PKNCLE21 was one of the best we've had. @PKNCLE
— John G Lynch (@JohnGLynch) February 22, 2014
What a night. Thank you to all of the @PKNCLE presenters for being amazing. What an evening @TheCityClub #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/VF6i2ziPVB
— Michael Christoff (@mchristoff) February 22, 2014
"@sos_jr: At @PKNCLE: @BSchillace of @CWRU's @DittrickMuseum talk on history of birth at @TheCityClub. #PKNCLE21 pic.twitter.com/OxST43jd7U"
— ÃLEX (@creppyalex) February 22, 2014
@mchristoff Thanks for having me! It was so fun, and a great chance to share @ICAconservation w/ a new audience. #PKNCLE21
— Jen Souers Chevraux (@JSouersChevraux) February 22, 2014
@PKNCLE Thanks for letting us get the word out about the work we do! That was so much fun! #PKNCLE21
— ICA-Art Conservation (@ICAconservation) February 22, 2014
Thanks to @danmoulthrop #cityclub #PKNCLE21 and all the It's Your Move participants last night!
— GroundWorks Dance (@GroundWorksDanc) February 22, 2014
Joan Southgate 2-21-14 #pkncle21 PechaKucha Night Cleveland at The City Club cleveland http://t.co/omA4TUBU3g
— Frank J. Lanza (@fjlanza) February 23, 2014
Photos from #PKNCLE21 @TheCityClub last week! http://t.co/NhNckxTMl1
— PechaKucha CLE (@PKNCLE) February 24, 2014
Awesome photos of #PKNCLE21 @TheCityClub https://t.co/gzJPmt3ieP @PKNCLE
— Dan Moulthrop (@danmoulthrop) February 24, 2014
Thank You!!!
We want to say a special thank-you to Dan Moulthrop (@DanMoulthrop), who took time after the event to meet with us. He not only answered our questions about the history of the The City Club Hall Of Fame, but also looked up in the club's records to see if Stuart's grandfather had ever spoken there.
Thank you to the PKN Creative Team for PechaKucha Cleveland:
- Emily Bacha
- Trent Boerner
- Michael Christoff (@MChristoff)
- Aseem N. Garg (@AseemNGarg)
- Heather Lenz
- David Purpera
See the Cleveland leader list at the bottom of this web page for updates: PechaKucha.org/Cities/Cleveland
The Future
Michael Christoff announced during the evening a new "Powered by PechaKucha" initiative in Cleveland.
Powered by PechaKucha is a way for PKN groups (like PKN CLE) to support other community organizations that want to hold their own "one off" PKN events....it's a way for us to help other organizations help their constituents tell their amazing stories and talk about [their passion].
The first of these took place on February 27, 2014. Read the details about Design Diversity - Powered by PechaKucha in PechaKucha Cleveland's blog post. Michael Christoff (@MChristoff) let us know that the next Powered by PechaKucha event will be held in March in Kent, Ohio. Be sure to watch for details on more of these events!!
It was also announced in PechaKucha Cleveland's blog post that the presentations given at the City Club of Cleveland were videotaped, and that they will be available online soon.
We look forward to the next PechaKucha Cleveland. They are always held in unique locations and with interesting presenters.
Cleveland Foundation FREE Day at Great Lakes Science Center
UPDATE 3/3/14 - here is link to: Watch for our next blog post on the free day at the Great Lakes Science Center, celebrating the 100th birthday of The Cleveland Foundation.
Learn more in past posts...
If you want to learn more about these organizations' events that we have attended in the past, please see our blog posts:
Visit to NASA Visitor Center at the Great Lakes Science Center during the Cleveland NASA Tweetup
IngenuityFest 2013 Preview Party! which took place at Great Lakes Science Center
Startups at The City Club during Cleveland Entrepreneurship Week 2013
@seph_lawless: Autopsy of America
Submitted by Stuart Smith on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 18:55

Stuart O. Smith, Jr., MNO
Blogging at: sosAssociates.com/Blog
Former Cleveland GiveCamp Steering Committee: ClevelandGiveCamp.org/about/#steering
Former Web SIG Cleveland Leader: WebSigCleveland.org
If you missed PechaKucha Cleveland at The City Club, you can see Seph Lawless's Autopsy of America presentation online on the official PechaKucha website.