Sage Lewis and Jim Evans
Last Saturday (3/10/12), we attended the meeting of the Greater Cleveland PC Users Group (GCPCUG - www. GCPCUG.org - @GCPCUG) on “The Most Important Social Media You Should Be Doing Now” with speaker Sage Lewis (@SageRock) of SageRock (www.sagerock.com). Stuart had met Sage years ago at a COSE (Council of Smaller Enterprises - www.cose.org) networking function at the time Stuart was volunteering as a COSE ambassador, so he knew to expect a great presentation.
As with the tradition of GCPCUG, the pre-presentation part of the meeting started with a general tech Q & A session. The Q & A session offers the opportunity for attendees to find solutions to their technical problems. We highly recommend attending GCPCUG to make use of this free technical advice service.
The GCPCUG has been around since 1982, and is run by Jim Evans (@geekclean), who is a fixture in the tech community and a real Cleveland treasure. GCPCUG is our local Cleveland chapter of the Association of Personal Computer User Groups (APCUG - www.apcug.net - @APCUG). GCPCUG, while encouraging attendees to become paid members, continues its 30-year tradition of offering monthly free tech-related educational programs to all who attend. With the low-cost membership of only $30.00 annually, it is a good investment in our community. (FYI, Stuart is a past GCPCUG board member, having served as treasurer for eight years.)
After a brief break for attendees to purchase raffle tickets for technology-related books and swag, Sage Lewis started his presentation on “The Most Important Social Media You Should Be Doing Now.”
Sage gave a dynamic presentation on the uses and purposes of social media. It has been said that people have become isolated by the use of computers and other technology, but Sage put social media in a different perspective by showing how it actually brings people together and fits in with people as “social creatures.”
Sage started his presentation by taking a photo of Stuart’s @DrupalCampOhio shirt, and sharing it with his followers on Twitter to demonstrate how you can use social media to go beyond your present location to engage people remotely. Sage, later in his presentation, involved our son, Kevin (@Kefrith), in his talk. He learned how Kevin uses social media to share his poetry, and suggested additional ways to reach new audiences. Sage did a great job with our family and many other attendees to personally connect with us, and demonstrate how social media can extend these connections worldwide.
Sage next shared some YouTube videos that demonstrated how technology today lets average people be creative and produce videos that have an emotional (funny, touching, exciting) appeal. Using the technology available for free on YouTube is just the starting point. The real power to connect is found in the social aspect of sharing these emotions.
- Cat mom hugs baby kitten – Emotional cute appeal.
- Ultimate Dog Tease – Funny!
- Stop Motion – Sage shared a personal story of how his son became fascinated by this video and started to create his own!
- United Breaks Guitars – Now a classic, this video demonstrates the importance of listening to your customers.
- KONY 2012 - The fastest growing viral video in history.
- DollarShaveClub.com - Clever advertising.
Traditional media such as TV do not use social media to its full potential, since they are afraid to lose income. Information is becoming free and available on demand. This is a large contrast to the days of MTV (music television) when you had to pay for the privilege of waiting to see your favorite performer only at limited, scheduled times.
- Per wikipedia, there are seven billion people on Earth, and YouTube reports that over four billion videos are viewed per day on YouTube.
- More videos are uploaded to YouTube in one month than the three major US networks created in 60 years.
- 60 hours of video are uploaded every minute, or one hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second.
Recommended book: The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Sage went on to share examples of both local and national companies who built positive customer relationships using social media.
Three necessary parts of using social media successfully in business:
- Must have social media policy for your company.
- Must actively listen for your brand name. Example: Use Google Alerts to track your brand or yourself.
- Actively use social media.
Sage ended his presentation with a challenge for everyone to become active in social media. We suggest that you contact Sage Lewis at SageRock.com to learn more.
Please use the comments section below to share examples of the successful use of social media.
sos_jr GCPCUG Tweets:
Here is how sos_jr shared the GCPCUG meeting with the Twitterverse:
4 tech/entrepreneur mtgs happening in #Cleveland 2day. C my NEW blog that lists "Mtgs I track this wk" tweets bit.ly/yh7qLJ
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
.@sagerock I'm looking forward to it. We met years ago at @cosesmallbiz event. U do good work.RT @sagerock: @sos_jr @gcpcug I'm excited!
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Attending @gcpcug mtg "The Most Important Social Media You Should Be Doing Now" with @sagerock. ow.ly/1I6WYn 4sq.com/yT0W53
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Yes. A #HappyInCLE event! RT @sagerock: @sos_jr This is going to be really fun. I can already tell :) #gcpcug
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
At @GCPCUG I announced my 3/17 WebSigCleveland.com mtg "Javascript/Stylesheet UI Toolkits - Why, Which and How?" w/ @rerooting
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Announced by @GeekClean at @GCPCUG mtg: 7/20-22 @clegivecamp -geeks in the home of rock and roll coding for charity! twurl.nl/x7qm10
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Announced by @GeekClean at @GCPCUG mtg: I'm speak at @CDPUG 3/29 "Web Font Design: U Don't Have To B Angry Anymore" twurl.nl/xzy7le
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Speaking now @sagerock to my son at talk on "The Most Important Social Media You Should Be Doing Now" at @GCPCUG mtg: twurl.nl/wcrh8s
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
My #Drupal shirt from @DrupalCampOhio! @djysrv also in photo. RT @sagerock: Check out @sos_jr sweet shirt. I want one!ow.ly/i/vc7g
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Just learned at @gcpcug mtg that not everything on the Internet is real -- but is fun! Dog Tease: youtu.be/nGeKSiCQkPw Thx @sagerock
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Per @sagerock: 7 billion people on earth, over 4 billion videos are viewed A DAY on @YouTube. twurl.nl/ucfhom At @gcpcug mtg.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
More vid uploaded to @YouTube in 1 month than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years: twurl.nl/faxr1x @sagerock talk at @gcpcug.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
"Stop Motion" youtu.be/r8JexiISPNk @YouTube lets U do experimentation! Ppl can connect! via @sagerock at @gcpcug mtg.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Book: The World Is Flat - A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. twurl.nl/21z58r Mentioned by @sagerock at @gcpcug mtg.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
"United Breaks Guitars" by @davecarroll youtu.be/5YGc4zOqozo Mentioned by @sagerock at @gcpcug mtg. #GCPCUG
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
RT @geekclean: @sagerock is rocking and rolling at #gcpcug meeting.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Last 50 years type of communication is foreign. Today social media is more natural - person to person! via @sagerock at @gcpcug. #gcpcug.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
At @gcpcug mtg look at #sxsw hashtag. If U can't B at @sxsw U can follow hashtag via Twitter! sxsw.com via @sagerock #gcpcug
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
RT @geekclean: @sagerock says we have been sleeping in front of old media the last 60 yrs. social media is 2 way. #gcpcug
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
R talking about how @CAKairport uses social media (@facebook & @twitter) to connect to their customers at @gcpcug mtg w/ @sagerock. #gcpcug
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Twitterverse! Plz RT this about Invisible Children: kony2012.com Stop this criminal hurting children.cc:/ @sagerock @gcpcug #gcpcug
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
2 letter less to go to @Bing than to go to @Google, & Google know it. Think about it! Must be better. via @sagerock #gcpcug
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
. @TimZaun Good to see U at @GCPCUG today. Let me know when U post your blog about @SageRock talk.
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Good talking to @GeekClean & @sagerock after the @GCPCUG mtg about all the exciting happenings in #Cleveland. #Happyincle
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Thx!!RT @sagerock: sosassociates.com Helping promote #Cleveland Tech. Nice work @sos_jr
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
Likewise.RT @TimZaun: @sos_jr Thanks for the mention, Stuart. It's always good seeing you at #Cleveland's tech events. Tim
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 10, 2012
At #SXSW #StopKony is also topic. RT @sagerock: This is a shift in power: Documentarians: #KONY 2012 Achieved Its Goal bit.ly/xMBzdO
— Stuart O. Smith, Jr. (@sos_jr) March 11, 2012