Brown and Orange #5TweetUp!

Blog Date
Julie Smith
Stuart O. Smith, Jr.

Brown and Orange #5TweetUp!

GV Art + Design in Lakewood was the place to be on September 4th!

Everyone shared in the excitement and anticipation of the Cleveland Browns’ ( - @Browns) opening game of the 2013-14 season at the “Brown and Orange TweetUp” sponsored by NewsChannel 5 ( - @WEWS) and GV Art + Design ( - @GVartwork). As we walked in the door, we received a T-shirt to show off our Cleveland pride! The GV Art + Design store was filled with apparel and more, featuring artwork and slogans promoting our great city.

Click on photos to enlarge
NewsChannel 5 van ready to broadcast live sports reportTweetUp attendees received these great T-shirts! TV-5 sports director Andy Baskin announcing raffle winnersT-shirt featuring Cleveland-born superheroNewschannel 5 -- On Your SideCleveland sports T-shirtCleveland glasswareThe Big "C" - Cleveland, home of Superman!

Select this link to see more WEWS ​Brown & Orange Tweetup photos on Facebook.

Here is the WEWS TV video from the event:

Nearly 100 people stopped in to GV Art + Design in Lakewood
to meet and greet with fellow Browns fans and check out
the shop's latest Browns apparel before the Browns Sunday home opener.

One of the highlights of our visit to GV Art + Design was seeing the “Etch-A-Sketch” art of world-renowned artist George Vlosich III. His one-of-a-kind creations featuring athletes, celebrities, and landmarks are simply breathtaking! His amazing artwork not only decorates the walls of the store, but is also featured in prints and on apparel, greeting cards, magnets, and more. We had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Mr. Vlosich about his unique work.

Click on photos to enlarge
One of George Vlosich III's original Etch-A-Sketch works of art"Etch" of Cleveland celebritiesThe Beatles and national landmarksEtch-A-Sketch and other artArtist George Vlosich III with President Bill ClintonArtist George Vlosich III with Oprah WinfreyCleveland sports heroes mural created from Etch-A-Sketch art


Here is the "Obama Etch A Sketch - Inaugural - MLK - Black history celebration" video that shows George Vlosich's work:

We would like to give a big thank-you to GV Art + Design and NewsChannel 5 for co-sponsoring this TweetUp, which also included some cool TV-5 swag, pizza, beer, and a raffle. Stuart won one of the raffle prizes! We talked to some great people from NewsChannel 5, including Sports Director Andy Baskin (@Andy_Baskin), Sports Producer Scott Piker (@ScottPiker5), Multimedia Journalist Kristin Byrne (@Kristin_Byrne), and “The List” Reporter Mike Brookbank (@TheListMike).

A special thank-you to Social Media Specialist Janet Nguyen Lueken (@janguyen), for the invitation to the TweetUp and for her hard work in putting together this fun event! We are looking forward to the next one!

Click on photos to enlarge
TweetUp refreshmentStuart won a raffle prize!Newschannel 5's Janet Nguyen Lueken offering pizza to TweetUp attendeesFun Newschannel 5 swagThanks for a great time, GV Art + Design and Newschannel 5GV Art + Design storefront

#5TweetUp Tweets

Here are the #5TweetUp tweets from the evening: