
Cleveland Tech, Entrepreneur & Social Media Meetings Mon 3/24 - Mon 3/31

At my last meeting, I was not sure if I would be in town the third Saturday of April (our traditional meeting date), so I did not have a meeting topic up on the website. I now know that I will be in town. Thus, I am very pleased to announce that there will be a meeting with a great topic: Write the Right Words for the Internet – Words People Read®
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Cleveland Tech, Entrepreneur & Social Media Meetings Mon 3/17 - Mon 3/24

For this weeks blog post I not only list the meeting that are happening this week, but also wanted to share some other interesting happenings in our community.

If you did not see my Saturday, March 8, 2014, two-year "Blogiversary!" blog post, please take a look at the "call for action" suggestions I made. We have so many people working to improve our community, I wanted to use my Blogiversary to make note of it. My Blogiversary included a list of 140 groups I track (I bolded the ones I have added since last year).

At the same time I was celebrating my second Blogiversary, I with the help of my son and wife, completed several blog posts in a very short time! Please take a look at all my blog posts at:

Blog Date

Cleveland Tech, Entrepreneur & Social Media Meetings Mon 3/10 - Mon 3/17

On Saturday, March 8, 2014, I celebrated my two-year "Blogiversary!" Be sure to take a look at the list of 140 groups I track (I bolded the ones I have added since last year), and the "call for action" items.

I hope the post inspires others to do more to thank leaders, and assist in promoting these free or low-cost tech, social media, and entrepreneur meetings in our community. Our community is much stronger for having these opportunities to learn from each other.

As I mentioned last week, in addition to my 3/8/14 Blogiversary: Two post, I had a busy time posting the following four items:

  1. 2/28/14 PechaKucha Cleveland at The City Club

  2. 3/2/14 Cleveland Tech, Entrepreneur & Social Media Meetings Mon 3/3 - Mon 3/10
    (This is one of my regular weekly blog posts.)

  3. 3/3/14 FREE! Great Lakes Science Center

  4. 3/5/14 Deathtrap! Great Lakes Theater Social Media Night

What a great way to celebrate my second anniversary -- completing so many blog posts in such a short time! Please take a look at all my blog posts at:


This being the third week of the month, I also want to invite you to my monthly meeting this Saturday at 10:30 a.m. All meeting are free and open to all, so please help me spread the word by inviting others. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending:

Please share this blog post with others who are interested in any of the following meetings. If you are on Twitter, please share those meetings that you find interesting with others. Thank you.

Blog Date

Blogiversary: Two

Blogiversary: Two

Two Years!

Two very fun and active years have passed since my first "Hello, World! My First Blog Post!" message!

Last year, for my first Blogiversary, I listed 120 organizations that I tracked. I have found that in the last five months, I have not been able to keep up with all the exciting growth in Cleveland and Akron, but I try to do so in my weekly tech blog posts.

In addition to my weekly tech and social media blog posts for our community, I (and sometime we -- my wife and sons co-write with me) also write about other items that interest me. Please check out all the blog posts that I have completed these past two years on my "Blog sosAssociates."

Blog Date

Deathtrap! Great Lakes Theater Social Media Night

Deathtrap! Great Lakes Theater Social Media Night

On a cold Saturday night, Stuart and Julie arrived at the theater in excited anticipation! It was another Social Media Night, this time for Deathtrap at Playhouse Square's Hanna Theatre! Stuart had seen the play years ago on Broadway for a college theater class, but had forgotten the details of the show. He only remembered that it was a great show, and he was glad to see it now as a Great Lakes Theater production.

Blog Date

FREE! Great Lakes Science Center

FREE! Great Lakes Science Center

Weekends and weekdays -- we have found that there is so much going on in Cleveland! We want to share with you here two events that we attended last weekend.

The first event, attended by Julie and Stuart, PechaKucha Cleveland, was something we have enjoyed many times in the past. Knowing the history of the location, The City Club, added an interesting dimension.

The second event, attended by Julie, Kevin, and Stuart, was a gift to the community from the The Cleveland Foundation as part of their 100th birthday celebration -- a free day at the Great Lakes Science Center.

This is the second installment, entitled FREE! Great Lakes Science Center

Blog Date

Cleveland Tech, Entrepreneur & Social Media Meetings Mon 3/3 - Mon 3/10

Saturday, March 8, 2014, is my two year "Blogiversary!"
I have a busy week, so I am not sure if I will do a special blog post like I did last year (listed 120 tech and social media meetings). With publishing a "first installment" blog post last Friday on PechaKucha Cleveland at The City Club with the second installment on FREE! Great Lakes Science Center all ready to by published on Monday (once the Cleveland Foundation makes their big announcement), plus planning to post a blog post abour the Great Lakes Theater Social Media Night at Deathtrap -- well this is already four blog posts in seven days. I'm just having too much fun!
When you see the following list of technology and social media events happening in the Cleveland and Akron area, you will know why I am planning to have a busy great busy week.
Blog Date

PechaKucha Cleveland at The City Club

PechaKucha Cleveland at The City Club

Weekends and weekdays -- we have found that there is so much going on in Cleveland! We want to share with you here two events that we attended last weekend.

The first event, attended by Julie and Stuart, PechaKucha Cleveland, was something we have enjoyed many times in the past. Knowing the history of the location, The City Club, added an interesting dimension.

The second event, attended by Julie, Kevin, and Stuart, was a gift to the community from the The Cleveland Foundation as part of their 100th birthday celebration -- a free day at the Great Lakes Science Center.

This is the first installment, entitled PechaKucha Cleveland at The City Club.

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